Реферат: The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Genetic Engineering

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Genetic Engineering Essay, Research Paper

The advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering Advantages Disadvantages Easy production of otherwise rare products such as human

growth hormone, or insulin. Ability to

make products such as Rennet without using animals so it safe for vegetarians. People are

able to have their very own genetic organs in animals for donors. Vegetables

with different tastes or colours. Plants that

are resistant to disease or lack of water. Plants that

grow extra quickly to increase yield. It is altering with nature. It is

tampering with Gods will. There are

unknown diseases that can be transferred without anyone knowing. It could

create a second class human being. Companies

could rip off poor countries in the third world with seeds that only yield

one harvest. Can

accidentally create killer diseases or animals that no one can stop.

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