Реферат: The Age For A Driver

The Age For A Driver’s License Essay, Research Paper

Raising the minimum age for a driving license:

Necessary or useless?

The question about raising the minimum age for a driving license has been

pushed to the headlines because of the growing amount of automobile

accidents. Whether it would reduce or even prevent accidents of this sort or

will simply do no good is the heart of this argument.

Some would say that raising the minimum age for a driving license will

clearly reduce the amount of car accidents in Israel. There will be fewer

drivers on the road, and this means fewer accidents, mathematically speaking.

Young drivers aren?t mature enough to drive. They can not comprehend the

responsibility that is given to them by letting them sit behind the wheel

of a potentially lethal machine. It is risky to hand them the access to

this sort of transportation which can be misused in the form of car races

and speeding. The excessiveness of this age might be expressed in the form

of violence on the road, a sure recipe for an accident.

Others could argue that there is no direct connection between this age and car crashes. The only logical reason for the fact that young ( new) drivers are much more involved in car crashes is that they are inexperienced, that fact will not change whether new drivers are 17 years old or they are 27 years old.

The minimum age for a driving license has been raised and reduced but the amount of deaths on the road has only increased. Until this epidemic is stopped this debate will probably exist.

By: Iyar Semel

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