World Wide Web (WWW) is a computer-based network of information resources that a user can move through by using links from one document to another. The information on the World Wide Web is spread over computers all over the world. The World Wide Web is often referred to simply as “the Web.”
The Web has become a very popular resource since it first became possible to view images and other multimedia on the Internet, a worldwide network of computers, in 1993. The Web offers a place where companies, institutions, and individuals can display information about their products, research, or their lives. Anyone with access to a computer connected to the Web can view most of that information. Museums, libraries, government agencies, and schools make the Web a valuable learning and research tool by posting data and research. The Web also carries information in a wide spectrum of formats. Users can read text, view pictures, listen to sounds, and even explore interactive virtual environments on the Web.
Like all computer networks, the Web connects two types of computers — clients and servers — using a standard set of rules for communication between the computers. The server computers store the information resources that make up the Web, and Web users use client computers to access the resources. A computer-based network may be a public network — such as the worldwide Internet — or a private network, such as a company's Intranet. The Web is a part of the Internet.
Enabling client computers to display Web pages with pictures and other media was made possible by the introduction of a type of software called a browser. Each Web document contains coded information about what is on the page, how the page should look, and to which other sites the document links. The browser on the client's computer reads this information and uses it to display the page on the client's screen. Almost every Web page includes links, called hyperlinks, to other Web sites. Hyperlinks are a defining feature of the Web — they allow users to travel between Web documents without following a specific order or hierarchy.
Read the text again carefully and answer the questions.
What is the World Wide Web?
How is the Web commonly abbreviated?
When did it become a wide-spread information resource?
What range of services does access to the Web mean for the users?
Can the Web provide instant access to museums, universities, libraries worldwide?
How does the Web link server and client computers?
What are the major functions of these 2 types of computers?
Where can private networks be found?
What invention enables client computers to display various websites?
10. How does the browser use coded information contained in Web documents?
11. Why are hyperlinks an essential feature of the WWW?
Which of the vocabulary units used in paragraph 2 could be regarded as international words?
IV. Read the translation of the second paragraph. Compare it with the original and say if everything is right.
Всемирная паутина станет самым популярным информационным ресурсом, так как в 1993 г. появилась возможность просматривать текстовые и мультимедийные документы по Интернету – локальной компьютерной сети. Паутина представляет компаниям, институтам и юридическим лицам пространство, на котором они могут разместить информацию о продуктах питания, исследованиях и разработках. Любой доступный компьютер, подключенный к всемирной паутине, может предоставить подобную информацию. Музеи, книжные магазины, правительственные учреждения и школы размещают в сети данные и результаты исследований, таким образом, превращая ее в эффективное средство обучения и исследований. Сеть содержит информацию широкого спектра форматов. Пользователи могут читать текстовую информацию, просматривать графику, слушать звуковую информацию и даже исследовать окружающую среду с помощью сети.
V. Find the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations in paragraph 4.
Отображать веб-страницы, программное обеспечение, содержать кодированную информацию, гиперссылка, определяющая черта, определенная последовательность.
Find passage about two types of computers connected by the Web and translate it into Russian.
Choose a passage and read it aloud (1-2 minutes).
Find the topic sentences, key words and phrases which express the general meaning of each paragraph best of all.
Using the information obtained from the paragraphs make a plan of the text.
Speak about the Web using key words, phrases, the topic sentences and the plan of the text.