Лекция: Проверь себя в конце файла!



1) Present Simple by heart.

2) V to V правило светофора

3) Translate: 1. Я хочу есть. 2. Он должен понять это. 3. Мы хотим пойти в кино пешком.
4. Их другу надо (должен) идти.
5. Дети ходят в школу, чтобы быть умными. 6. Я хочу быть счастливым.
7. Я не волнуюсь в (on the) самолете. 8. Мы часто пользуемся книгами,

потому что (because) у нас нет интернета.
4) MJ: Он играет на пианино. Моя мама пользуется интернетом.

5) TMIEV II уметь быстро придумывать предложения с глаголами.


Check yourself:

Все ли ошибки ты нашел?

I ugly. I am ugly.
I not ugly. I am not ugly.
Do I ugly? Am I ugly?
He sleep every day. He sleeps every day.
He not sleep every day. He does not sleep every day.
Do he sleep every day? Does he sleep every day?
Students worry. Students worry.
Students aren’t worry. Students don’t worry.
Are students worry? Do students worry?
He has a car. He has a car.
He hasn’t a car. He doesn’t have a car.
Do he has a car? Does he have a car?
You understands it. You understand it.
You not understands it. You do not understand it.
Do you understand it? Do you understand it?


Check yourself:

I have to go. They come to eat. She has to close the window. My father studies English to do my homework. I take paper and a pen to write your phone number. We want to remember your names. You have to put the eraser back. He has to be very clever to speak Japanese.


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