Customers decide to eat at this or that restaurant for many reasons. Sometimes they like the menu of this restaurant and the reputation of the place. Sometimes they like the pleasant atmosphere, the music or the quality of the food and its price. Customers always choose the restaurant with good service by the waiters.

Good waiters are very important in the restaurant business in which they work. They make a friendly atmosphere and give good and kind service to the customers. Customers visit restaurants with good service and they want to come there again. When customers have a good time in the restaurant they tell their friends about it.

Good waiters are as important as good cooks. The waiters are in direct contact with the customers. Good waiters like to work with people and make them happy. They must have good manners. The appearance of the waiters is very important. Waiters work with food and serve customers and they must be neat and clean at all times. Their uniforms must be clean and pressed, their hair must be short or tied back. Their nails must be clean and tidy. Shoes must be clean and comfortable. Good waiters must have a spare shirt in case the first gets dirty.


Слова и выражения:


customer (n,C) - клиент

decide (v) – решать

pleasant (adj) – приятный

quality (n,U) – качество

kind (adj)– добрый

as important as - так же важны, как

direct contact (n,C)– непосредственный контакт

appearance (n,U) – внешний вид

neat (adj) – опрятный

at all times – всегда

press (v) – гладить

hair (,U)n – волосы

be tied back – связаны сзади

nails (n,C) – ногти

tidy (adj) – опрятный

spare (adj) – запасной

shirt (n,C) – рубашка

in case – в случае, если

get dirty (v) – испачкаться


II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.


1. Why do customers decide to eat at this or that restaurant?

2. Do the customers like the quality of the food?

3. Whom do the customers tell about the good restaurant?

4. Why do the customers tell their friends about the good restaurant?

5. Are good waiters important in the restaurant business?

6. Are good cooks important in the restaurant business? Why?

7. Is the appearance of the waiters important?

8. Who makes a friendly atmosphere?

9. Why must the waiters be neat and clean at all times?

10. Must their hair be short?


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