Лекция: Discussion

3. Complete the following sentences.

1. Education in Great Britain is compulsory

2. Primary education is divided into two periods

3. There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain

4. Universities in Britain are divided into 5 types

5. New undergraduates in some universities are called

6. Open Days are a chance for applicants to

7. Prime Minister Cameron and President Obama agreed that

8. Higher education could

9. A higher education qualification could help you

4. Decide if the sentence is true or false.

1. Compulsory education in UK begins at the age of 7.

2. Compulsory secondary education begins when children are 11 or 12 and lasts for 5 years.

3. English, Mathematics and Chemistry are called «core» subjects.

4. There are 3 types of state secondary schools in Great Britain.

5. Infant schools take pupils of all abilities with exams.

6. Entrance at grammar schools is based on the test of ability.

7. Modern schools prepare pupils for universities.

8. Universities in UK are divided into 5 types

9. Students studying for first degrees are known as undergraduates.

10. All students are given the Bachelors degree.

11. The most famous universities in Britain are Exeter and Southampton.

12. A higher education qualification could help you take charge of your future by building skills and confidence and opening up new opportunities — whatever stage of life you're at.

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