Your telephone directory can save you hours in dealing with consumer protection agencies and organizations. Check the beginning of the white pages of your directory for information about local community resources that can help. Many directories also have a section in the middle of the book that provides a comprehensive listing of government agencies. Look in that section under “Consumer and Regulatory Agencies” to find the number of organizations that can help you with a consumer problem.

Some places have arbitration programs to help with consumer complaints. These programs arbitrate disputes between buyers and sellers who have not been able to settle a problem. If you choose to use this service, be sure to ask for and read a copy of he rules before you file your case.

Consumer Groups. Many private organizations help consumers. National organizations such as the Consumers Federation of America and the Consumers Union educate consumers and lobby for passages of consumer protection legislation. Private state and local consumer groups may give advice, investigate complaints, contract sellers, try to arrange settlements, and make legal referrals. To find these organizations, contact a local university, your state attorney general’s office, or a member of your city council.

Business and Trade Associations. One of the best-knowing consumer help organization is the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Better Business Bureau are supported by private businesses; they are not government agencies. While BBBs have no law enforcement power, they do monitor business activity and try to promote high standards of business ethics. In many places the BBB investigate a consumer complaints, contacts the company involved and tries to mediate a settlement. BBBs usually act only as mediators and do not force a business to settle.


Слова и выражения:


telephone directory – телефонный справочник

comprehensive (adj.) – исчерпывающий

arbitrate (v) – решать третейским судом

file а suit – подать иск

lobby (v) – склонять на свою сторону

investigate (v) – расследовать

refer (v) – направлять отсылать

attorney (n, С) – юрист, поверенный, адвокат

council (n, С) – городской совет


II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.


1. How can you get in touch with consumer protection agencies and organizations?

2. How do arbitration programs help the consumers?

3. If you choose to use this service what are you recommended to do?

4. What organizations can help the consumers?

5. In which way may private state and local consumer groups help the consumers?

6. Do you know something about such organizations in Russia?

7. What can you say about Business and Trade Associations?


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