I. Проспрягайте глаголы to create, to drive во временах Present, Past и Future Perfect.


II. Сопоставьте переводы для времен Perfect и Continuous:

1. The temperature has risen.

2. The fuel is burning.

3. We have applied a new method.

4. Scientists have found new resources of energy.

5. The water is changing into steam.

6. That method has become very popular.


III. Назовите время сказуемого. Затем переведите:

1. The expedition has not begun its work.

2. What machines has our factory produced this year.

3. When I came they had already finished their experiments.

4. He will have solved that problem by the end of this year.

5. They did not tell us about this result at the lat meeting.

6. Have you ever seen an accelerator?

7. The engineers had detected some mistakes in the design of their device before they used it.

8. I have never applied the process.

9. His colleagues have completed their research.


IV. Укажите функции глагола to have:

1. Scientists had to create a new atomic technique.

2. Water has no colour.

3. Our engineers have changed the design of this engine.

4. Their friends had achieved important results by the end of the last year.

5. We shall have to obtain new data at the beginning of the next year.

6. Metals have many useful physical and chemical properties.

7. This year we have got several minerals from our foreign colleagues.


V. На материале упражнения IV составьте алгоритм для перевода глагола to have в различных



VI. Найдите сказуемое и подлежащее. Определите функцию подчеркнутых слов (предлог или

союз). Переведите.


1. Before the diaphragm can move back the next pulse will enter the electro-magnet coil.

2. The amount of energy before and after the transformation is always the same.

3. After a short time, a black substance was deposited on the glass.

4. After all the ice has been melted, the temperature will again begin rising. The pulse must be amplified until they can be recorded.

5. Until last week they did not write to us.


VII. Дайте английские эквиваленты для наречий: недавно, часто, когда-либо, уже, как раз,

никогда, всегда.


VIII. Переведите пары слов:

to apply – applicable; to pass – passable; to use – usable; to think – thinkable;

to control – controllable.


IX. По суффиксу определите часть речи, затем переведите:

technical, development, productive, engineer, widely, possible, experience, direction, scientific, continental, rapidly, automatic, vibrate, peaceful, electrify, happiness, electricity, accelerate.


X. Выпишите из словаря в тетрадь и переведите:

а) абстрактные существительные, соответствующие словам:

to apply, to develop, to press, to solve, to produce, to discover, to provide, different, possible.

б) прилагательные, соответствующие словам:

importance, technique, length, industry, quantity, nature, to create, to use, to detect.


XI. Выпишите сказуемые и определите их время. Переведите:

1. After that they will carry out their work.

2. The measurements are being studied.

3. The engineers are working out a new plan now.

4. Have the students obtained good results? This property of the element is widely used. They had not provided their plant with these devices by the Ist of January.


XII. Найдите сказуемое и подлежащее. Затем определите функцию причастия пассивного.


1. The used temperature varied from 80 to 100 degrees.

2. Many new machines were produced lat year.

3. The heroic spaceflight made by a Soviet man opened a new era in history.

4. Power is the ratic of an amount of work performed divided by the time taken by the performance.

5. The ignitron has become the preferred power-conversion device.

6. The advantage of the diesel engine lies in the high efficiency obtained.

7. If heated, the wire melts.

8. The usual two-stage amplifier employed produces a large amount of phase shift.

9. The main portion of this report is devoted to controlling distributed parameter dynamical system.

10. The plan for the research work should be worked out in the nearest future.


XIII. Напишите четыре основные формы глаголов и переведите:

to know, to heat, to make, to mean, to be, to do, to become, to put, to leave, to show.


XIV. Переведите на русский язык:

1. We spend more energy in lifting an object.

2. The more experiments scientists make, the greater is their knowledge of the structure of the matter.

3. These are more interesting than those ones.

4. The smaller the particles, the faster they move.

5. The larger part of the room was occupied by the books.


XV. Найдите сказуемое и подлежащее. Затем определите функцию ing-формы

(пользуясь алгоритмом) и переведите:

1. A substance resisting all efforts to decompose it into simplier substances is an element.

2. Being a good conductor, copper is often used in industry.

3. By studying and experimenting man learned the structure of matter.

4. Electronics opens wide possibilities for controlling various technological processes.

5. A molecule is a compound consisting of two or more atoms.

6. Heating a substance we cause a more rapid motion of its molecules.

7. By adding heat we cause a greater motion of the molecules.


XVI. Составьте предложения из слов:

1. energy, form, a, is, heat, of.

2. be, in, units, energy, may, it, the, measured, of.

3. used, a, compass, the, by, has, small, pilot, to be.

4. simple, be, as, should, engines, possible, the, as, made.



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