Лекция: Текст 1


I. Прочитайте и переведите текст. При необходимости пользуйтесь словарём.



The question «What is law?» has troubled people for many years. А field of study known as jurisprudence (the study of law and legal philosophy) is devoted to answering this question. There are many definitions of law. Law can be defined as the rules and regulations made by the government to regulate the conduct of people within а society.

As а child, you learned about rules first at home and later at school. At home, your parents made rules about issues like chores and bed times. Rules made by the government are called laws. The government makes laws that affect almost every aspect of daily life.

One thing is clear: every society that has ever existed needs laws. Without laws, there would be confusion and disorder.


Обратите внимание на следующие сокращения:

adj = adjective – прилагательное

adv= adverb – наречие

n = noun – существительное

C= countable – исчисляемое (существительное)

U = uncountable — неисчисляемое (существительное)

prep = предлог

v = verb – глагол

smth. = something – что-либо

smb. = somebody – кто-либо.


Слова и выражения:


law (n,C/U) — закон, право, юриспруденция

jurisprudence (n,U) — юриспруденция

trouble (v) – беспокоить

devote to (v) – посвящать

definition (n,C/U) – определение

define (v) – определять, давать определение

regulations (n,C/U) — устав

conduct (n,U) - поведение

chore (n,C) – работа по дому

affect (v) – воздействовать, регулировать

exist (v) – существовать

recognize (v) – признавать, распознавать

confusion (n,C/U) – путаница, беспорядок


II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.


1. What is jurisprudence?

2. What definition of law is given in the text?

3. Why does any society need laws?


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