Лекция: Indoor Air Pollution

High concentrations of air pollutants can also build up indoors, where people spend 85% to 90% of their time, and in other enclosed spaces such as underground mines, where air is slowly replenished. Indoor air today generally much cleaner than that found decades ago, when most houses and other buildings were heated with leaky coal-burning furnaces, but there is still cause for concern. In recent years, scientists have found that the air inside some homes, schools, and office buildings is more polluted and dangerous than outdoor air on a smoggy day. Air pollutants found in buildings produce dizziness, headaches, coughing, sneezing, burning eyes, and flulike symptoms in many people. Air pollutants can accumulate in any buildings. But levels tend to be higher in energy-efficient, relatively airtight houses that do not use air-to-air heat exchangers to bring in sufficient fresh air. According to the EPA and public health officials, the most serious indoor air pollution threat is from radioactive radon-222.


Упражнение 11.

В правой колонке найдите русские эквиваленты следующих английских словосочетаний из текста Indoor Air Pollution:

1. burning eyes 2. coal-burning furnaces 3. flulike symptoms 4. according to 5. airtight houses 6. high concentrations 7. build up 8. cause for concern 9. heat exchangers 10. public health officials a. угольные печи b. симптомы заболевания, похожего на грипп c. герметичные (воздухонепроницаемые) дома d. высокие концентрации e. жжение в глазах f. теплообменники g. организаторы здравоохранения h. постепенно накапливаться i. согласно j. причина для беспокойства

Упражнение 12.

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