Criminals often specialize in committing some particular crimes. A pickpocket most probably will never become a fraudster, burglar, murderer or terrorist. No doubt, there are exceptions, but the statistics show a permanent tendency – 86% of recidivists repeatedly return to court for having committed the same kind of crime.

Murderers could be divided into 2 large groups: assassins who make money by it and the murderers committing a murder out of different motives (avarice, hiding some other crime, taking a revenge, etc.) against law.

Murder is the most severe kind of crime, because another person’s life has been taken. Murder maniac is the most dangerous one in the society, because it is difficult to analyze what exactly causes him to commit a murder and who the victim will be.

Rappers are most often sexually narrow- minded or people with complexes who feel satisfaction in sexual violence.

The first step towards a criminal action most often is misappropriation of property- theft or hooliganism. There are children who have taken something in their childhood any permission. It is very important how parents, teachers or social workers react towards without it. These persons must deal with the situation correctly and qualitatively so that the child would not become a criminal in his further life. The following possible steps might be robberies of flats, car thefts, plunder etc.


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