Лекция: A) was b) were

1.The children…in the garden half an hour ago.

2. I..always at home on Sunday last week.

13. What …your favourite sport when you…young?

Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление предлогов:

1. He went to sea at the age of 15. 2. My grandparents believe in God. 3. Translate the text from Russian into English. 4. I realized it at once. 5. They played a good joke on me. 6. Say a few words to the guests. 7. You’d better write in pencil. 8. He is a man of useful habits. 9. She is a lovely woman of forty. 9. The spacious hall was full of people. 10. What’s the time by your watch? 11. Japan consists of many large and small islands. 12. Pass me the salt, please. 13. Pass the salt to me, please. 14. Are you ready for the answer? 15. I need a book on biology. 16. Have some ice-cream for pleasure. 17. Help yourself to some biscuits, please. 18. We shall wait for Saturday before taking a decision. 19. In Britain they drive on the left. 20. What time do you expect to arrive in London? 21. I hope the coffee is to your taste. 22. He plays the guitar very well. 23. He is not working today; he is on holiday. 24. Nell is good at selling things. 25. The girls usually come at the same time. 26. We decided to go to the country by bicycles. 27. The earth moves round the sun. 28. Emmy is behind the other girls in running. 29. She hasn’t been to Paris since her marriage. 30. Good bye till tomorrow. 31. Do it without delay. 32. Remember me to your family.

Поставьте вместо пропусков предлоги, где необходимо:

1. John prefers whiskey…brandy. 2. Did you get there…foot? 3. When the sun sets, it goes…the horizon. 4. Sit down…the armchair, please. 5. They didn’t want to answer…my question. 6. …next Friday we are going to get together. 7. Try to learn the poem…heart. 8. Can you tell…me anything about your travel? 9. Don’t spend money…sweets. 10. When Tom gets drunk he shouts…Sue. 11. They often speak…the phone. 12. After running up the stairs I was…breath. 13. I spend a lot…time …doors. 14. I’d like to book a room…a fortnight. 15. Ask her to join…the party. 16. It’s time to read English books…the original. 17. I can’t go…vegetables. 18. Let’s wait…the house…it gets dark. 19. The woman never lets the animals to enter…the house. 20. It seems…me that we’ll be late. 21. She said it…an angry voice. 22. …spite of the fact that he makes a lot…mistakes I like his talk. 23. …which year did it happen? 24. We met…least twice. 25. The telephone number is…page three. 26. Who is the woman…whom you want to introduce me? 27. It’s impossible to move because the road is…repair. 28. There are so many books…our disposal in the library. 29. The girl is so lovely that everyone likes her…first sight. 30. The leaders made first steps…the agreement. 31. Things are going…bad…worse. 32. He never keeps his things…order. 33. It is necessary to arrive…the airport…time. 34. I did it…mistake. 35. He did it…purpose. 35. They did it…chance. 36. A very interesting programme is…TV now. 37. I allow you to work three hours…a day. 38. We came…the hospital…any hope. 39. Are you for or…the plan? 40. The cake is just…my taste.


UNIT 10 Оборот There + be


Оборот переводится на русский язык тремя словами: «есть, имеется, существует» или не переводится вообще.

Предложения с оборотом начинают переводить с конца, т.е. с обстоятельства места или времени.


Время Вопрос Краткий ответ
Present There is a table in the room. В комнате (есть) стол.   There are some books on the table. На столе (есть) книги. Is there a table in the room? В комнате есть стол? Are there any books on the table? На столе есть книги? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.   Yes, there are. No, there aren’t
Past There was a table in the room. В комнате был стол.   There were some books on the table. На столе были книги. Was there a table in the room? В комнате был стол? Were there any books on the table? На столе были книги? Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.   Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.

Вопросы с оборотом

There is a book on the table.

Тип вопроса      
Общий вопрос   Is there a book on the table?
Специальный вопрос What (что) What book (какая книга) Whose book (чья книга) is there is there   is there on the table? on the table?   on the table?


There are some books on the table.


Тип вопроса      
Общий вопрос   Are there any books on the table?
Специальный вопрос What (что)   What books(какие книги) Whose books (чьи книги) is there   are there are there on the table?   on the table? on the table?  


There are many books on the table.

There is much water in the glass.



How many books are there on the table?

Сколько книг на столе?

How much water is there in the glass?

Сколько воды в стакане?

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