Лекция: Урок XIV

Лексика My Flat Грамматика 1. Конструкция there is (there are). 2. Prepositions (предлоги места).

My Flat

I live in a new nine-storied block of flats in Barnaul. In front of the house, there is a children’s playground. Our flat is on the fourth floor. It has all modern conveniences: central heating, gas, electricity, cold and hot water, alift and a telephone. There are three rooms in it: the living room and two bedrooms; and also a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony in it. The living room has much furniture. There is a large TV set in the corner. There is a sofa and two arm-chairs opposite TV set. The little table is to the right. There are two pictures above the table. There is a bookcase near it. On the floor, we have a nice thick carpet. The curtains on the window are blue. So, the room is cozy.

My bedroom is across the hall on the right. There are my bed and a wardrobe near the wall, a writing-table near the window, two chairs and bookshelves. In the corner of the room, there is a small table with a computer on it. Our kitchen is not large but light. In evenings we like to have rest in it.



an arm-chair — кресло

a balcony — балкон

a bathroom – ванная

a bedroom — спальня

block of flats — жилой дом

a bookcase — книжный шкаф

a carpet – ковер

a central heating — центральное отопление

a computer – компьютер

conveniences — удобства, комфорт

cozy — уютный

curtains — шторы

a dining-room — столовая

electricity – электричество

a floor – пол

furniture — мебель

a hall – коридор

happy — счастливый

to have a rest — отдыхать

in the corner — в углу

a kitchen — кухня

a lavatory, toilet – туалет

a lift – лифт

to like — нравиться, любить

a living-room – гостиная

a mirror – зеркало

modern – современный

near — возле, около, у

opposite — напротив

a piano — пианино, рояль

a picture — картина

a playground – игровая площадка

running water — водопровод

a shelf — полка

a shower — душ

a sofa — диван

a storey — этаж

a study — кабинет (в квартире)

a telephone – телефон

to the left — слева

to the right — справа

a TV- set — телевизор

a wardrobe – гардероб, шкаф для одежды

a writing-table — письменный стол



I. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя лексику урока:

  1. Which floor is his flat on?
  2. How many rooms are there in it?
  3. Has he got a study?
  4. Is the playground near his house?
  5. Has his flat any conveniences?
  6. Are there many pictures in his flat?
  7. Where is a TV-set in his flat?
  8. What furniture is in his bedroom? Where is a computer?
  9. Has he got a piano?
  10. Has he got a telephone?


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