Лекция: Упражнение 9. Составьте диалоги.
I'm miserable, because I've lost the key. Why are you so pale? I feel awful, I have a temperature. What's the matter with you? Why are you so pale? Why do you look worried? What's up? What's your trouble? How do you feel today? | have lost the key have a temperature have lost the key have a temperature haven't gotten a letter don't know what to buy don't like the proposal have been away from home too long |
Упражнение 10. Скажите, как вы почувствуете себя, если:
If you lose money...
If you are in a strange place…
If you are not met at the station and don't know where to go...
If you've been away from home long...
If you receive bad news...
If you are among strangers...
If someone says unpleasant things to you…
Упражнение 11. Скажите, что бы вы сделали, если бы:
Образец: Suppose you were sent to France. (visit Paris)
— Suppose I was sent to France, I would visit Paris.
Suppose you were sent to France. Suppose you saw a lost dog. Suppose you met the president. Suppose you got an invitation to Britain. Suppose you saw a good pair of shoes. If you were asked for your address. If you went to Washington. If you visited a hospital. If you traveled by Washington Metro. If you got lost in the street. | visit Paris take it home ask him… book tickets buy it give it see the Lincoln Memorial talk to the doctors buy a fare card ask the way |
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