Лекция: Упражнение 6. Употребите self, selves.


1. I always go shopping ____self.

I always go shopping myself.


2. She can't go shopping _______ self.

3. He doesn't drive the car _______ self.

4. They always translate the documents _______ selves.

5. He signs the documents _______ self.

6. We never do repairs _______ selves.

7. You don’t cook meals _______ self, do you?

Упражнение 7. Делая покупки, вам придется высказать свое мнение о вещах. Стоит ли их покупать? Стоит ли вообще тратить деньги?

It's worth = стоит.

It isn't worth = не стоит.

Прочтите и выучите эти выражения.

It's worth 40 dollars. It isn't worth 40 dollars.
a visit a visit
visiting visiting
buying buying


Упражнение 8. Вставьте (not) worth в пропуски.

1.This bag is very good. It… buying.

2. This pair of jeans costs 30 dollars! It's… 30 dollars.

3. This museum is really fascinating. It… a visit.

4. This problem is very important. It is… discussing.

5. This jacket is very fashionable. It… trying on. Put it on.

6. Credit card is very practical. It… having.


Упражнение 9.Определите, что стоит покупать, а что не стоит. По­ставьте знак + или —

Образец: Is it worth buying?

— It's high quality. + It's worth buying.

— It's low quality. — It isn't worth buying.


— It's very expensive.

— It's very cheap.

— It's economical.

— It has no guarantee.

— It has six months guarantee.

— You can bring it back.

— You can't give it back to us.

— It's easy to use.

— It's difficult to operate.

— It's an old model.

— It's the latest fashion.

— It's the best we have.

— It's one of those we got last year.


Упражнение 10. Вы не можете сейчас пойти за покупками. Зато завтра сможете. Как это сказать? Для этого вам понадобится глагол can (can't) и выражение will be able to.


I can't go shopping today.

But I'll be able to go tomorrow.


1. I can't go shopping today. —… tomorrow.

2. I can't choose anything now. —… next weekend.

3. I can't pay the total today. —… next time.

4. He can't buy this PC now. —… next week.

5. She can't pay for this video recorder. —… next month.

6. They can't buy this house now. —… next year.


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