Лекция: Safely clasped. neither could harm the other. Therefore, a handshake originally was a means of self-defense.

Упражнение 21. Дайте недостающие формы глагола, запомните их:

Teach, fighting, wore, frozen, letting, carried on, laid down.

Упражнение 22. Прочитайте и переведите текст без словаря:

The ancient Greeks are known to have been great watchers of the sky and also great thinkers. As they watched the sky night after night. it was natural for them to think that the Earth stood and the stars, planets, sun and moon were moving round the earth in space. They thought the sun to be between Venus and Mars. To explain the movement of the planets, however, was very difficult. Then one day a young scientist named Copernicus at Krakow University in Poland supposed that the sun and not the Earth should be the centre of everything. He was the first to explain properly our solar system. The ancient Greeks had made the mistake of thinking that because the stars and planets seemed to move as they looked at the sky, the Earth must stand. If you sat in a train and looked out at the trees, it would be easy to understand their mistake. The trees seem to be moving backwards, but really it is the train that is moving forwards.


Exercise 1. Answer the questions:

What field of science studies the phenomenon of supercon­ductivity? (physics).

What could a nation have if it is the first to master this new field of science? (prestige, scientific advantage, economic and military benefits).

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