Лекция: Перевод герундия на русский язык


Герундий может переводиться:

1. существительным

2. неопределенной формой глагола

3. деепричастием

4. глаголом-сказуемым придаточного дополнительного предложения.


Объясните, меняется ли смысл предложения в зависимости от формы герундия. Переведите предложения


1. I like helping. 2. I like being helped. 3. I like having helped. 4. I like having been helped. 5. He does not like asking questions. 6. He does not like being asked questions. 7. I remember having helped my friend. 8. I rеmеmbеr having been helped then. 9. He is fond of reading. 10. He is fond of being read to.


Определите герундий по формальным признакам


a) As a schoolboy Newton was fond of making different things.

b) There could be no progress in science without experimenting.

c) When speaking of atoms we must remember that they consist of different


d) Excuse my coming late.

e) At present several atomic power plants are оperating in the Russia.

f) He was proud of Oleg’s having passed the exams well.

g) Having passed all the exams well he went to the sports camp.

h) For lifting a heavy load a simple mechanism is sometimes used.

i) I heard of our engineer's being sent abroad.

j) The proton having a positive charge is one of the important particles.


Информация III

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