Лекция: II. Find the homonyms in the following extracts. Classify them into homonyms proper, homographs and homophones.
1. «Mine is a long and a sad tale!» said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. «It is a long tail, certainly,» said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse's tail; «but why do you call it sad?» 2. a) My seat was in the middle of a row. b) «I say, you haven't had a row with Corky, have you?» 3. a) Our Institute football team got a challenge to a match from the University team and we accepted it. b) Somebody struck a match so that we could see each other. 4. a) It was nearly December but the California sun made a summer morning of the season, b) On the way home Crane no longer drove like a nervous old maid. 5. a) She loved to dance and had every right to expect the boy she was seeing almost every night in the week to take her dancing at least once on the weekend, b) «That's right,» she said. 6. a) Do you always forget to wind up your watch? b) Crane had an old Ford without a top and it rattled so much and the wind made so much noise. 7. a) In Brittany there was once a knight called Eliduc. b) She looked up through the window at the night. 8. a) He had a funny round face. b) — How does your house face? — It faces the South. 9. a) So he didn't shake his hand because he didn't shake cowards’ hands, see, and somebody else was elected captain… b) Mel's plane had been shot down into the sea. 10. a) He was a lean, wiry Yankee who knew which side his experimental bread was buttered on. b) He had a wife of excellent and influential family, as finely bred as she was faithful to him. 11. a) He was growing progressively deafer in the left ear. b) I saw that I was looking down into another cove similar to the one I had left. 12. a) Iron and lead are base metals. b) V/here does the road lead? 13. Kikanius invited him and a couple of the other boys to join him for a drink, and while Hugo didn't drink, he went along for the company.
III. On what linguistic phenomenon is the joke in the following extracts based? What causes the misunderstanding?
1. «Are your father and mother in?» asked the visitor of the small boy who opened the door.
«They was in,» said the child, «but they is out.» «They was in. They is out. Where's your grammar?» «She's gone upstairs,» said the boy, «for a nap.»
2. «Yes, Miss Janes, it's true my husband has left his job. He thought it was better for him to enlist rather than to be called up. Anyway, he has burned his bridges behind him.»
«Oh, well, I shouldn't worry about that. They'll provide him with a uniform in the Army,» commented the neighbour.
3. «I got sick last night eating eggs.»
«Too bad.»
«No, only one.»
4. Husband and wife were enjoying a quiet evening by their fireside, he deep in a book and she in a crossword puzzle. Suddenly she questioned him:'
«Darling, what is a female sheep?»
«Ewe [ju:]>» he replied. His further explanation hardly soothed her.
5. «I spent last summer in a very pretty city in Switzerland.»
«No, I almost froze.»
6. Officer (to driver in parked car): Don't you see that sign «Fine for parking»?
Driver: Yes, officer, I see and agree with it.