Реферат: Education in England











                                                                                                               Зизе Н. В.

               Группы Э – 155.



                                                                                                               Карасик А.В.

г. Волгоград 2001 год.




1.Pro-primary and Primary Education…………………..3



     а. Дошкольное и начальноеобразование…………………………..6

       b. Оxbridge………………………………………………………...…7

4. DICTIONARY……………………………………..……………9


















Pro-primaryand Primary Education.


   In some areas of England there are nursery schoolsfor children under 5 years of age. Some children between two and five receiveedu­cation in nursery classes or in infants classes in primary schools. Manychildren attend informal pre-school play-groups organised by parents in privatehomes. Nursery schools are staffed with teachers and stu­dents in training.There are all kinds of toys to keep the children busy from 9 o'clock in themorning till 4 o'clock in the afternoon   while their parents are at work. Herethe babies play, lunch and sleep. They can run about and play in safety withsomeone keeping an eye on them.

   For day nurseries which remain open all the yearround the parents pay according to their income. The local educationauthority's nurse­ries  are free. But only about three children in 100 can goto them:. there aren't enough places, and the waiting lists are rather long.

   Most children start school at 5 in a primaryschool. A primary school may be divided into two parts—infants and juniors. Atinfants school reading, writing and arithmetic are taught for about 20 minutesa day during the first year, gradually increasing to about 2 hours in theirlast year. There is usually no written timetable. Much time is spent inmodelling from clay or drawing, reading or singing.

   By the time children are ready for the juniorschool they will be able to read and write, do simple addition and subtractionof numbers.

   At 7 children go on from the infants school to thejunior school. This marks the transition from play to «real work».The children have set periods of arithmetic, reading and composition which areall Eleven Plus subjects. History, Geography, Nature Study, Art and Music,Physical Education, Swimming are also on the timetable.

   Pupils were streamed according to their abilitiesto learn into A, B, С and D streams. The least gifted are in the D stream.Formally to­wards the end of their fourth year the pupils wrote their ElevenPlus Examination. The hated 11 + examination was a selective procedure on whichnot only the pupils' future schooling but their future careers depended. Theabolition of selection at Eleven Plus Examination brought to life comprehensiveschools where pupils can get secondary education.

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