Реферат: Christianity Vs Evolution Essay Research Paper While
Christianity Vs. Evolution Essay, Research Paper
While a good portion of the wold’s population has already made up their minds, evolutionists are still searching for new evidence proving evolution over the more common and realistic belief of the Christian God. All Christians admit that evolutionists have far more evidence and information, however each theory contradicts the others in some way. Christians need not bother with hundreds of disagreeing theories and ideas because the Bible, along with agreeing creationists give all the information and proofs needed.
The first verse of the Bible (Genesis 1:1) says: “In the beginning, God created the universe…” This same statement, although in different words is repeated in over 50 of the 66 books of the Bible. Most were written by different people, some up to 1000 years apart, meaning that all of the authors, although not known to one another, agreed totally that God created the universe. This is what Christians believe; that in the beginning, the earth was formless and a raging ocean covered everything and all was in darkness. From this, God created the sky, the land, the animals, the fish, and the first humans, Adam and Eve. The Bible states clearly and without biases that God created all and controls all.
Evolutionists believe that in the beginning, there was nothing and from that, after violent shakes and a ‘Big Bang’, came the universe, containing life. This life consisted of tiny unicellular and multicellular creatures that eventually became flora and fauna, including monkeys and apes, thought by evolutionists to be the fist hominids. These apes and monkeys are believed to have slowly changed due to changing environments and finally transformed into the humans of today. There have been many evolutionists research and speculate and come up with their own theories. Many of these theories deal with the actual age of the earth, the time it took for humans to evolve, and why we changed so drastically.
Proof of special creation is found not only in the Bible but also in science. The first and second laws of thermodynamics clearly contradict evolution. The first states that all life must come from previous life, meaning that life could not have just begun suddenly without the direction of a creator. The second states that disorder in the universe always increases. This would mean that a simple, unicellular creature could not have evolved into the complex and orderly human body and mind. Evidence is also found in the speed of the earth’s rotation. The speed of rotation has been decreasing annually at such a rate that should the earth be billions of years old, it would have spun to fast at its beginning to stay together and it would have been impossible for it to hold life. The sun also provides evidence of special creation. Its weight is far to great to have only two percent of the solar system’s angular momentum. Abraham Gottlob Werener and Baron Georges Cuvier produced proof of catastrophism, meaning that the earth and geological events formed suddenly, as a result of a great catastrophe such as Noah’s flood. These scientific proofs, plus many others, help persuade non-Christians that special creation is the most realistic choice but for any believer, all that is needed are the Holy Scriptures. “…God, who lives forever and ever, who created heaven, earth, and the sea and everything in them.” (Revelations 10:6)
Many proofs have also been found confirming evolution. Fossils very similar to those of today’s human have been found and dated back billions of years. When compared, only a two percent difference was found in the deoxyribonucleic acids of today’s modern man and the skull said to be billions of years old. Some very simple ideas have proved to be major breakthroughs for evolutionists. Jean Baptiste de Lamarack, a well-know evolutionist, formulated his great theory on the innocent thought that giraffes have long necks due to the effort put forth by their ancestors to stretch for food in the highest parts of the trees. Even knowing this, you must consider the fact that science is based solely on observation and experimentation. Scientists are always discovering new things, forcing them to overhaul their theories. They never know how much they don’t know; they never have all the facts.
Many evolutionists have formulated theories concerning evolution. These include Charles Darwin’s beliefs about ‘Natural Selection,’ also known as ‘Survival of the Fittest,’ George Gamow’s theory, ‘The Big Bang,’ and many others. Every evolutionist theory that has been made public contradicts at least one of the others. So many biases have been found amongst this wealth of information that many people find it hard to believe.
Many Christians are very upset by the fact that special creation and other Christian studies are not a part of the curriculum in public schools. The reason for this, as explained by paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould, is the following:
‘Creation science’ has not entered the curriculum for a reason so simple and so basic that we often forget to mention it: because it is false, and because good teachers understand exactly why it is false.
(The Skeptical Inquirer, p.186)
However, former U.S. President, George Bush once stated:
No, I don’t know that atheists should be considered as citizens, nor should they be considered as patriots. This is one nation under God.
(Bill of Rights to David Sherman)
One evolutionist bluntly said that “Anybody who believes that the earth is less than 10, 000 years old needs psychiatric help.”
The above-mentioned people are all worthy of their opinions but there is one source with so much more power and so many more truths; the Bible. The Bible was not written by one author but by many different believers over a time span of over 1000 years. Even though most of these writers never communicated with the others, no bias has ever been found in the Bible. Knowing this, the only conclusion could be that every word of the Bible is true, meaning that evolution is but the dream of men who cannot grasp the concepts and power found in God’s own Word, the Bible.