Реферат: South African Economy Essay Research Paper Crime
South African Economy Essay, Research Paper
Crime is a huge topic in South Africa. There is a high crime rate occurring in the streets of the country. Statistics show that every 17 seconds a serious crime is committed, a murder occurs every half hour, and an assault or rape every three minutes. Blacks are the victims of most robberies and car jackings, but the whites are the ones protesting most. The streets of South Africa have also been a serious problem for the police. More than 1000 policemen have been killed on duty in the past five years. Policeman all also understaged, underpaid and undersupplied.
AIDS is a new disease that has spread into South Africa very quickly. The department of health estimates at least 20% of the workforce will be infected by the AIDS virus next year. Over the next three years, it is estimated that a total of 250 000 will die and 600 000 orphans infected with the AIDS virus as well will be left behind. Studies also indicate that by the years 2005-2100, there will be six million people infected with full blow AIDS.
Unemployment in South Africa is also a great problem existing today. Statistics indicate that about 42 percent of black adults are unemployed as opposed to 4 percent of the white population. There is a program called GEAR aimed at creating a million jobs by next year, but the coutry is losing jobs; about 100, 000 are being lost a year. Though there are plenty of jobs for skilled blacks, it is the unskilled who are getting the low end of the bargain. In an effort to cut unemployment rates, programs have been established to recruit unskilled people and train them for jobs.
The information in this article has provided the main problems that plague South Africa. With statistics to back the statements, the article is easy to read and very informational. The problems existing in South Africa today are quite similar to the ones we face in our society. For example, unemployment has been a main focus for state and national leaders. They have mandated for programs such as Welfare To Work where they train and prepare unemployed people to meet the demands to acquire and maintain a job. In addition, violence is also a very big problem that exists in our very own city. The shootings and robberies that occur almost daily has signaled for special programs set out for youths to find alternative ways of having fun away from the streets. The AIDS epidemic has also been a problem. The rate of AIDS spreading has steadied; it still poses a threat to everyone. This problem also hits very close to home in a big way. For example, there have been cases where the AIDS virus has been contracted through premeditated injections. During parties or raves, there are groups of people who go around stabbing people with needles to make sure they inject infectious blood. Violence against officers has also been a serious problem. There are many cases that have been televised and written about officers being shot and killed by merciless criminals. Shootings against officers in Los Angles and the Detroit area have been highlighted by the media. Sanctions have been made to protect officers. For example, they have tried to make sure there are paired officers in one vehicle while patrolling. This insures safety and extra assistance to dangerous situations. Both the United States and South Africa share problems that the people must worry about. But through statistics, it is evident that South Africa s violence problems have been of greater effect.