Реферат: Personal Statement Essay Research Paper HmmmWhat shall
Personal Statement Essay, Research Paper
Hmmm???What shall I tell you about me? You, the person who will decide my fate, my fate as to whether I would go to CU-Boulder, go live in Colorado, go snowboarding in the mountains, meet lots of interesting people, and have the most wonderful experience?I better make myself sound worthy.
First off, I want you to know that I’m an unparalleled individual, whose outlook on life is of total optimism. Through out my 18 years, I’ve become freinds with people from all walks of life. I’ve learned to empathize with just about every one of them, gaining the greatest understanding in a variety of remarkable characters. One of my favorite, a homeless lady who’s called Polly, tells the most incredible stories of love and the many men she has encountered in her 54 years of life. She lives under a bridge and panhandles for a living, yet she appears so happy and dandy, and she can put a smile on my face any day. She’s the kind of person who makes me appreciate all the little things people like myself normally take for granted.
I come from a family in which the parents struggled starting fresh at 30 years old in a new world, America. They came here in refuge from a country whose leader had forsaken his people, leaving them in a four year long nightmare in which over two million people were done to death. That country is Cambodia. The parents came to America, after having survived such evil and cruelty, not knowing a word of English, yet they persevered with desire of better lives for their two daughters. One of them, the oldest, is I.
My father made me start training in Martial Arts, Tae Kwon Do, when I was 13 years old. He wanted me to have self-discipline and self-confidence?well, I guess I should thank him because all that training worked. Tae Kwon Do is a way of life for me. The tenants in which I practice are integrity, self-control, perseverance, and indomitable spirit. They may sound cheesy, but if you think about it, hey, it’s actually very ethical. My father gave me martial arts, and my 14-year-old sister introduced snowboarding to me when I was 16. I love snowboarding! I basically taught myself how to board, well?
with the help of viewing my sister’s skillfulness. I plan on indulging myself with Tae kwon Do and snowboarding for the rest of my life! I just can’t stress enough on how much I love it!
My parents and I have many expectations for myself, and I hope to fulfill them. One of them, a very important one, is to go to college, preferably CU. I want to be in Colorado to experience its awesome environment, and at the same time, be a part of an awesome student body!
My destination is to where and when my mind gains knowledge to its greatest capacity and I hope to have an amazing experience down this long and twisting path also known as my learning process.