Реферат: Child Labor The Future Essay Research Paper

Child Labor: The Future? Essay, Research Paper

Child Labot: The Future?

Since the Industrial Revolution, there has been

a constant need for labor. As the world becomes

more oriented around technology, the world demands

more sopisticated methods of productions that

increase not only production speed but quality as


Since computerized production methods seem only to

solve one of these demands, the need for human

workers still exists.

This brings up a fundamental question: Who will

do the work? Modern laws limit the minimum age a

person can began working, but many question the

use of such laws. With industry safety standards

higher than ever, do children still need to be


The arguments are strong. With safety

regulations high, children need not worry about

dangerous conditions. As well as this, many argue

about the pros to a psychological effect on

children. With modern children spending more and

more times watching TV, and according to

psychatrists this behavior is damaging. In a

working environment, children would be exposed to

more ethics, and a sense of values. Yet another

pro to this form of labor would be the value to

the economy. Lower and Middle class families could

gain a significant increase in their economies

with extra money coming from their children. It

could very much influence current debates on

welfare situations as well as boost overall GNP

of the country.

With all these advantages, it is hard to see any

serious consequences to child labor.

It could provide ways to get the children get off

the street and help nuture both their mental and

physical interaction with the world.It could very

well be a means to achieve new family

relationships and social situations. As the laws

of economy as supply and demand produce more and

more need for changes in society, in the future we

may all be called to help serve our nation in new

and expansive ways, child labor being just one.

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