Реферат: History Essay Research Paper The film Europe

History Essay, Research Paper

The film Europe, The Mighty Continent was an attempt entertaining film that was

made from an entirely different angle than other history films. Although Peter Ustinov

was charismatic at the, outset his repetition of how important his family was to Europe

became a persistent annoyance that took away from the film. The viewer will spend more

time trying to figure out his accent that learning about history.

This film was made from one point of view. Throughout the entire segment all Peter

Ustinov and John Terraine talk about is the rich upper class. This film is wonderful to

teach students about Europe, the Rich People who live in it. We learn about high class

Europe paintings and musicians who Peter Ustinov is more than overjoyed to point out

how important his family was in every major endeavor in Europe. We learned about Le

Beau Monde and how they were influenced by the Demi Monde. What about the middle

working class? What about the lower class and peasants? The rich upper class was a

very small percentage of the entire population. It is only natural that the majority shaped

the way Europe was heading in the beginning of the twentieth century. When do we hear

about the majority?

This film had one major significant insight that the viewer could take with them. This

video told of how Europe united ?for one brief moment? to conquer the Boxer Rebellion

in 1900 and showed how powerful Europe was together. It did not last long because of

industrial rivalry between Germany and Britain.

I think there are three major reasons why the film will be given minimal praise. First

this movie is littered with insignificant tiny facts about Peter Ustinov?s family. If these

little tid-bits of information were only once or twice during the film they would have

been more effective at keeping the viewers attention. This tactic was overdone and

became more annoying than entertaining. Second, I feel that this film gibes insight only

to the wealthy higher classes and their influence on Europe. It does not tell us the

different effects that the other classes accomplished at this time. This film is great if you

want to learn about one aspect Of European life but for the total picture of Europe?s

advance in the Twentieth Century there should be more detail in all of the social classes.

The third reason is because this film would be morre suited for a European audience.

This film would be enjoyed by high class Europeans. John Ustinov has a very specific

idea of Europe?s history, not the whole picture.

This film was a good attempt at a different technique to entertain and teach. It is good

to show students for a change of pace or to show specifics but to show the whole of

Europe?s rise into the Twentieth Century it was ineffective.

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