Реферат: Hamlet Madness Essay Research Paper Hamlets Unknown

Hamlet Madness Essay, Research Paper

?Hamlet?s Unknown Madness? The marriage of the king and queen within two

months of the death of Hamlet?s father had left Hamlet disillusioned,

confused, and suspicious of Claudius, the King of Denmark. In Act I, Scene V,

Hamlet?s belief in his father?s ?real ghost? had him in an outrage and,

he thus vows to avenge his father?s death. Ophelia encountered Hamlet in her

private chambers and observed that he was disturbed. She was very disturbed and

afraid because, ?Lord Hamlet, with his doublet all unbrac?d; no hat upon his

head; his stockings foul?d ungart?red, and down-gyved to his ankle; pale as

his shirt; his knees knocking each other?? (1409). Hamlet truly loves

Ophelia, but at that particular moment, he did not want to express his feelings

to her. Ophelia tells her dad, Polonius, about her meeting with Hamlet and

Polonius concludes that Hamlet is nothing but a love struck fool who has gone

mad. Polonius wanted to assure the king and queen that he knows, ?the very

cause of Hamlet?s lunacy? (1411). The king and queen were skeptical to

believe Polonius? story of Hamlet?s lust and lunacy for Ophelia. Polonius?

effort to damage Hamlet?s reputation will not end there. Polonius approached

the king and queen with a letter that can prove his theory of Hamlet?s

madness. Polonius said, ?therefore, since brevity is the soul of wit, and

tediousness the limbs and outward flourishes, I will be brief: your noble son is

mad? (1412). Even though the king heard Hamlet?s letter cited by Polonius,

he conspired to find a solution for Hamlet?s madness in his own fashion. The

king had Guilderstern and Rosencrantz act as spies so that they could either

find or gain information toward Hamlet?s madness. After Hamlet?s request to

the players to act out the Murder of Gonzago, Claudius was beginning to feel the

wrath of his offense. Claudius said, ?O, my offence is rank, it smells to

heaven; it hath the primal eldest curse upon?t, a brother?s murder, pray can

I not, though inclination be as sharp as will?? (1439). This is when

Hamlet?s agonizing struggles became difficult. Hamlet could have taken his

revenge while Claudius was praying, but Hamlet was confused and couldn?t

avenge his father?s death while Claudius was purging his soul. Hamlet said,

?why, this is hire and salary, not revenge?But in our circumstances and

course of thought, ?tis heavy with him: and I then reveng?d, to take him in

the purging of his soul, when he is fit and seasoned for his passage? (1440)?

The king knows his guilt and when he prays he states, ?my words fly up, my

thoughts remain below: words without thoughts never to heaven go? (1440). It

is in Act III, Scene IV, that we see Hamlet approach his mother Gertrude and

question the way she had offended his father in which she married Hamlet?s

uncle soon after her husband?s death. The sneaky and witty Polonius was behind

the curtain but Hamlet did not know it. While questioning his mother about the

death of his father, he heard a voice coming from behind the curtain: Hamlet

turned with sword in hand and stabbed the person behind the curtain. He said,

?How now! A rat? Dead, for a ducat, dead? (1441)! At first, Hamlet thought

he killed the king, but instead he killed Polonius in which he felt was better,

?thou wretched, rash, intruding fool, farewell! I took thee for thy better:

take thy fortune?(1441) Hamlet struggled throughout the play. Although he is

an intelligent man, the madness that descended upon him with his supernatural

observation of the ghost of his father leads to his death. Furthermore, toward

the end of the play, I get a clear understanding that he had fulfilled the

revenge of his father. From the unwary death of Ophelia, the poison drink that

took Gertrude?s life, the vengeful dual of death between Laertes and Hamlet,

we see Hamlet?s unknown madness of revenge when Hamlet kills the king of


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