Реферат: Analysis Of 1984
Analysis Of 1984 & Animal Farm Essay, Research Paper
1984 and Animal Farm Analytical Essay
All novels have hidden messages that the author wants his
audience to find. 1984 and Animal Farm, written by George Orwell, both
contain some of the same messages that Orwell wanted his audience to
find. Even though they are satirical pieces about a totalitarian
government, both novels have hidden messages. Some of the messages
in the novels are power corrupts, propaganda, and education. All these
messages also have some relevancy to today s world.
Power corrupts is one of the major themes of the two books. That
theme is also one of the main hidden messages in both novels. In the
novel Animal Farm, the pigs took advantage of their power. They did
this by making up all the rules and thinking that they had the privilege,
just because they were pigs to act like humans. In 1984, the government
took advantage of their power by thinking they had the right to invade
people s privacy and install telescreens and hidden microphones to spy on
the people. Power corrupts still exists in the world today. A well-known
example of how power corrupts in today s world would be President Bill
Clinton. He took advantage of his power by thinking that just because he
was the president that it was all right for him to have sexual relations
with Monica Lewinsky. That was not the only time that this has
happened though, there is evidence that this has happened before, with
different women.
Another message in both books is propaganda. The animals in
Animal Farm and the people in 1984 are brainwashed into thinking that
everything is all right with their government. In Animal Farm, there is a
lot of propaganda from Squealer. He makes the animals believe that
everything is all right on the farm. There are also many types of
propaganda used, ranging from glittering generalities to scare tactics.
An example in Animal Farm where scare tactics are used is when
Squealer asks the animals if they want Jones back. In 1984, the
telescreens are a way of using propaganda. Some of the types of
propaganda in used in 1984 are scare tactics, glittering generalities
(Type B and Type C Vocabulary), and the bandwagon effect. The
relevance of propaganda in today s world is that it is everywhere,
especially in commercials. In particular, the commercials for toothpaste
which uses the appeal to science type propaganda.
Another message in Animal Farm and 1984 is education. The
animals in Animal Farm were not educated enough to overthrow the
government, that is why the animals killed all of the smart animals. In
1984, Winston and the people were educated until the point where they
wouldn t be able to do any harm to the government. All the people in
both novels were educated only to a point because if they had as much
intelligence as the leader, than they would have the power to overthrow
the totalitarian government. This message is also in our world today
through the government of the United States. The government does not
educate us on information that they don t want us to know or else we
may be able to overpower them.
In conclusion, these are the messages in the novels Animal Farm
and 1984. They are power corrupts, propaganda, and education. So, the
next time someone reads a book, they should be able to pick out the
message that the author is trying to say.