Реферат: Water Essay Research Paper LIVING BY THE

Water Essay, Research Paper


If I could chose to live by the mountains or by the water, I would chose to live by the water. Almost all of my life, I have wanted to live by the water. To be able to live by the water would be the greatest gift to me. I just love to be around water.

Almost all of my life, I have wanted to live near the water. I have wanted to live near the water for many reasons. The main reason for wanting to live by the water is because I just plain out love being around water. When I am around water I get so relaxed and I just feel real good. I love to hear the sounds that water can make and I love to see the ways water moves.

To be able to live next to the water would be the best gift of all. When I am around water I can use it in many ways and it keeps me happy. That is the reason why being around water would be the greatest gift of all.

I just love to be around water. When I am around water I love to fish. Fishing is my most favorite activity because it keeps me relaxed and happy. If I could live near water I would be out fishing everyday that I could. Also, when I am around water, I love to go boating. When boating I like to see the scenery and just the nature of water.

So from what I have written, you can see that living by the water would be the place for me to live. No other place can me more happier than living near the water. I love being around water and that is a fact.

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