Реферат: Against Independant Third Parties Essay Research Paper

Against Independant Third Parties Essay, Research Paper

Resolved: Independent third parties are vital in the American political


Independent third parties are political parties that are not aligned with

either of the two main groups, the Democrats and the Republicans. America

is a two party system, and the majority of people who hold office are from

either one or the other. This clearly illustrates that independant third parties

are not vital to the American political system. In the past, there have been

only four Presidents that were in office for a total of nine years, and no Vice

Presidents from independent third parties.

The most successful independent third party were the Whigs. They

were the only third party to ever produce a president. The truth to this day is

that no independent party has ever remained in the American political system

for more than twenty-eight years, while the two main parties have been going

since the mid-1800?s. They’re too unstable to stay around as long as parties

like the Democrats or the Republicans who have been here since the

beginning of our country. And because thirty years is hardly enough for a

party to become well established, they don’t succeed. Who would miss Ross

Perot? The third party system probobly does more harm than good. We now

have a pro wrestler where a governor should be sitting. What did he run as?

He ran under the third party.

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