Реферат: Major Contributions Of Realism Essay Research Paper

Major Contributions Of Realism Essay, Research Paper

Including scenery, styles of acting, makeup, and dialogue, realism contributed many things to theater. It involves accurate depictions of everyday people in feasible situations and was designed to replace the artificial romantic style. Realism rejected dramatic conventions that had existed since the beginning of drama. In the 18th century, David Garrick instituted the use of historically accurate costumes and sets. In the 16th century in Italy, realistic theaters began to introduce the proscenium stage which is used globally today. Because by the mid 19th century realistic gas lamps revealed the unnatural appearance of canvas backdrops, the realistic box set was made popular. Realism replaced the well-made play and the declamatory acting of the time. Instead, it introduced dramas which approximated in speech a situation of the social and domestic problems of everyday life. The actors spoke and moved naturally against scenery which reproduced with faithfulness the unusual surroundings of the people they represent. One of the types of theater that emerged out of realism is naturalism. Realism contributed many things to modern theater.

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