Реферат: Student Essay Research Paper M l

Student Essay, Research Paper

M l m




Powder: Questions

1 Jeremy s original source of rejection came from his parents who banished him from his home.

He was to live in the basement, away from society. This hurting he received made him a more

compassionate, caring and loving person. Although his early stages of life were of persecution

and sadness he accepted as a way of life. Being banished from society, he solely learned the

meaning of compassion. He acquired the knowledge of caring and loving by experiencing the

direct opposite of treatment. When he received this treatment, he hated it, and wished for

something different.

2. Three personality traits of Jeremy or Powder were his extreme compassion, his shyness, and

his caring. Jeremy expressed compassion in the fullest possible form. He expressed feeling for

others that went to extreme measures. Such as the passing of death from the dying deer to the

sheriff who shot him for sport. Since he was an albino genius, it would be simple to understand

his difficulty of fitting and acquiring new friends that he can socialize with. Thus he became a

shy boy that pretty much kept to himself. Jeremy s characteristic that distinguished him from the

rest of society in which he lived in. Although he was persecuted, beaten, and ridiculed at. He

understood his characteristics and understood why the boys hated him It was fear!

3. I respect Jeremy s caring. Like Christ himself, he wouldn t fight or use any sort of violence to

resolve problems. Jeremy would speak his words of wisdom, or use his divine powers of mental

stability and force to express a point. He would, without hurting anyone, prove a point. This

characteristic made us create a field of empathy for the boy.

4. Jeremy showed his love and compassion and caring for other people and creatures in a few

instances in the movie. The most popular scene expressed caring for a creature. A creature, in

the shape of a defenseless deer. A sheriff was with a bunch of kids, hunting when they should

not. The sheriff found and shot the deer. As the deer laid there breathing his last breathes of life,

Jeremy stepped into action. In order to express the anguish of death to the sheriff, he held on to

the neck of the deer and the arm of the sheriff. Using his forces of mental power he fed the

feelings of death to the sheriff. Even though Jeremy loved the animal inhabitants, he also

expressed compassion and caring for the human population. Jeremy was being ridiculed once

again during stormy weather. A boy named Johnny pushed Jeremy into the mud, laughing

Johnny was then struck by lightning. Even though revenge would have been sweet, Jeremy

reacquired the life for Johnny.

5. The treatment Jeremy received in the cafeteria by the student is quite disheartening and show

the lack of empathy in the students. But the reasons for his treatment is more intriguing than the

actual treatment received. Einstein once said, that we fear what is not known, and Jeremy was

an unknown case of supernatural difference. These students, being average, were reacting as

normal as frighten children, in the form of insult. These children were not mean, they were

frighten of the unknown. Another scientist or psychologist said that fear is sometimes

distinguished in the form of laughter. As the children insulted Jeremy, other children laughed to

relieve the tension they held within. Natural human reactions are to laugh instead of crying when

in fear, just as an infant. And yet another reason for the harsh treatment of Jeremy, was because

he made everyone else seem normal. Today, people try to express their uniqueness the clothes

they wear. Of course they say that its their own look, but we all know that peer pressure from

friends and the media, cause them to do, what they do. So, Jeremy being albino, distinguished all

the other kids. The kids hated this because they are working to be noticed (just as an infant will).

Jeremy proposed a threat to their uniqueness and that caused their behavior to be what it


There was once a student, who was quite isolated because of his external appearance. But many

students began to feel empathy for him and they invited him to cafeteria tables and accepted into


6. Now although, Jeremy seems to be living in a world of rejection, persecution, and insult, he

has a friend. Like the Good Samaritan, a girl from school, expresses interest in Jeremy. She talks

to Jeremy and sticks by him during harsh times. Their relationship, sinks into a deeper level of

love and compassion. They become lovers. This girl listens to the troubles of Jeremy, and

Jeremy does likewise. It seems that they stood together as partners fighting the world in which

they lived in.

7. Jeremy was ultimately searching for a way to live free of anguish. He wished to find a place

where he can be accepted by all. A place where his looks were disregarded and his intelligence

acknowledged. In this story, he never finds his promised land, so he escapes. Since Powder is

nothing but energy, he flees to a field of lightning where he is elevated and taken away. This

seems to be in parallel with the story of Jesus Christ and his resurrection.

8. I like the acting jobs by actors Jeff


and Powder. They tried their very best to

make sense of the plot that had no logic.


expressed his scientific knowledge and

Powder expressed himself as a suffering friend.

Although the actors did a superb job in the acting department. The story itself is quite unlogical

and makes no sense. If you find a boy with an IQ that surpasses everyone else on the face of the

planet, and he has the power to elevate with lightning, one of the purest forms of energy, you are

not going to leave him in a school where he would beaten and made fun of. No, you will take

him to a home with a family that loves him and cares for him, while he uses his mental power to

learn and resolve many world problems.

9. Jeremy, parallels with Jesus. They both are persecuted, one for his beliefs, the other for his

external appearance. They both have divine power, one comes from the heavens in the form of

lightning, the other from God. Finally they both escape this world leaving a message behind, one

for us to be free from sin, and the other to be free from ignorance.

10. Besides Jeremy, another character that I liked is Jeff


. He is an authentic Jewish

Scientist. Consistently searching for answers through the path of science. Jeff is also quite

understanding of Jeremy s problem, and tries to understand more from this boy of eternal

powerand knowledge.

11. The story of Powder, teaches you the lesson, that you should not judge people from their

external appearance. Men are created different, but all in the likeness of God. Powder also

emphasizes the way society treats the unknown. With violence, persecution, and hate. As in the

cafeteria scene, Powder is ridiculed and made fun of, yet he responds with love. Thus Powder,

teaches the ultimate lesson that love is more powerful than violence. I can incorporate this into

my life, by trying to understand that all humans are different in external appearance, some are

pretty, some are not. But they all have gifts within to share with the world, if you just give them

a chance to show them.


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