1. Переведите предложения:


1.It is autumn now. 2. It is the 25th of October. 3. It is Monday. 4. It is twelve o'clock. 5. It is cold today. 6. It is difficult to study English grammar. 8. This grammar rule is easy. It is necessary to under­stand and remember it. 9. What time is it? It is half past ten. 12. It often rains in autumn in the Urals. 13. It is interesting to meet new people. 14. Where is your house? It is far from my work. 15. It is easy to translate this text. 16. It is the channel that separates the British Isles from the European continent. 17. It is your friend that I am waiting for. 18. It was after the midnight they returned. 19. It is the equality of all nations that is the basic law of our life. 20. It was then that London Bridge was rebuilt. 21. It was one of London’s famous citizens Dr. Samuel Johnson who said:” When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”22. It is too late to ring him up. 23. It’ll be over soon.


Глаголом-связкой в таких предложениях могут выступать также глаголы get и become:


It becomes cold in October. В октябре становится холодно.

It gets dark. Темнеет рано.


Вопрос с такими глаголами образуется с помощью глагола do:

It gets dark. Становится темно.

Does it get dark? Становится темно?

When does it get dark? Когда (в какое время) становится темно?


Аналогичную структуру имеют безличные предложения типа:


It rains. Идет дождь.

It snows. Идет снег.

Does it often rain in autumn? Осенью часто идет дождь?

When does it rain? Когда идет дождь?



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