8. Подпишите названия предметов на картинках. Используйте артикль a/an, где необходимо

bucket, egg, envelope, jug, milk, money, salt, sand, spoon, toothbrush, toothpaste, wallet.

9. Вставьте артикль a/an, где необходимо

1. I haven’t got watch. a watch

2. Do you like cheese? OK

3. Ann never wears hat.__________________

4. Are you looking for job? ______________

5. Mary doesn’t eat meat. ________________

6. Mary eats apple every day._____________

7. I’m going to party tonight. _________ 8. Music is wonderful thing. ______________

9. Jamaica is island. ____________________

10. I don’t need key. ____________________

11. Everybody needs food. _______________

12. I’ve got good idea. __________________

13. Can you drive car? __________________

14. Do you want cup of coffee? ___________

15. I don’t like coffee without milk. ________

16. Don’t go out without umbrella. ________


10. Назовите предметы на картинках, используя данные слова и выражение a… of…

bar cup loaf bottle glass piece bowl jar piece bread milk tea chocolate paper water honey soup wood

1. a bottle of milk 2. ____________________ 3. ____________________


4. ____________________ 5. ____________________

6. ____________________


7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________

11. Вставьте a/an или some

1. I read a book and listened to somemusic.

2. I need ________ money. I want to buy ____________ food.

3. We met _________ interesting people at the party.

4. I’m going to open _________ window to get _________ fresh air.

5. She didn’t eat much for lunch – only _______ apple and _______ bread.

6. We live in _______ big house. There’s _______ nice garden with ______ beautiful trees.

7. I’m going to make a table. First I need _______ wood.

8. Listen to me carefully. I’m going to give you advice.

9. I want to write a letter. I need _______ paper and _______a pen.

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