I. Найдите подлежащее и сказуемое. Определите, какой частью речи являются слова. Затем


1. We use electric currents to produce very strong magnets.

2. The basis of our modern civilization lies in the use of machinery.

3. we can place a rocket on correct trajectory by means of an automatic system.

4. The motion of gases from place to place, as a result of their molecular energy, is called a diffusion process.

5. Space rockets house the instruments necessary for making observations of outer space.

6. In the nearest future each house in the country will have electric lighting.

7. In the progress means of communication 1875 was an important year, it brought the invention of the telephone. Increased heat means motion of molecules.


II. Переведите группы слов:

space flight, rocket motion, air resistance, spaceship design, gold medal, Soviet Government, flight theory, planet surface, fuel supply, energy transformation, rocket propulsion theory, space flight dangers.


III. Ниже в тексте найдите все сказуемые. Укажите среди них «неявные» сказуемые (их 3).

Какими глаголами они выражены? К каждому сказуемому укажите подлежащее. Найдите

три сложных предложения – с двумя парами подлежащих и сказуемых.


IV. Укажите в тексте 8 случаев употребления модальных глаголов и 4 – их заместителей.


V. Переведите текст со словарем. Затем читайте вслух.




For a long time scientists could not discover the secret of this atom. They had to work hard1 in order to create a new atomic technique. using this technique man is able to make new discoveries in the field of nuclear energy. Now the energy of the atom can be obtained.

Atomic energy finds such wide and varied application in our life that our age might be called the age of atom. It may be used to light and heat our homes and drive our machines. This energy is to find application in transport. We shall be able to cover long distances with small quantities of fuel. In fact2, there is hardly any sphere of life where any sphere of life where atom may not find useful application. We already produce electric energy at atomic power plants.

The resources of coal and oil cannot last more than several hundred years. The resources of atomic energy are practically unlimited. Uranium and thorium can provide it for hundreds of centuries.

The ability of the atom to form so called3 «radioactive isotopes» is very important. These elements have the same chemical properties as the natural elements but they possess the property of radiation. Such radioactive elements can be widely used in medicine, agriculture an industry.

The atom is a mighty force. The people of good will are struggling for the peaceful use of atomic energy all over the world4.



to work hard1 — работать усиленно

in fact2 — фактически, по сути

so called3 — так называемый

all over the world4 — во всем мире


VI. Прочно заучите слова:

application, quantity, property, such, useful, several, san, may, must, to serve, to limit, to form, to create, to discover, to possess, to obtain, to provide, hardly.


VII. Найдите в тексте синонимы (слова со сходным значением) к словам: amount, to set up,

to supply, to get.


VIII. Найдите в тексте антонимы (слова с противоположным значением) к словам: to break,

narrow, different, before (adv.)


IX. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты для слов: получать, обнаружить, создать,

полезный, несколько, неограниченный, едва ли, свойство, обладать.


X. Перескажите текст по абзацам:

а) открытие атомной энергии,

б) ее применение,

в) ее запасы,

г) радиоактивные изотопы,

д) атому – мирное применение.




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