Лекция: The usage of the Dive

We use the Dive:

· in a statementif the statement is not complete but leading to a following word-group:

|| I looked at him | (and recognized him at once)

|| She took the car | (and drove to London)

|| When ever he comes to visit us | (he tries to borrow money)

· in statements which show reservations on the part of the speaker and which might be followed by but… or by you must admit or I must admit:

|| He’s generous || (but I don’t trust him)

|| He’s handsome || (you must admit)

|| I could take you there to morrow || (but not today)

|| I like your hat || (I must admit)

|| It wasn’t a very nice thing to do || (you must admit)

· if the statementis a correction of what someone else has said:

(He’s forty-five) || Forty- six ||

(I like him a lot) || You used to like him ||

(I can’t do it) || You can’t do it that way ||

· if the statementis a warning:

|| You’ll be late ||

|| I shan’t tell you a gain ||

|| You mustn’t shake it too much ||

· if the statement has two parts, of which the first is more important than the second, with the fall in the first part and the rise in the second:

|| I went to London on Monday ||

|| You can keep it if you really want it ||

|| He was very well when I last saw him ||

|| I’m very comfortable thank you ||

· in commands if we want the command to sound pleading, more a request than an order, with the fall on Do or Don’t if they occur, or on the main verb if not, and the rise at the end:

|| Shut the window ||

|| Do have some more tea ||

|| Send it as soon as you can ||

|| Don’t make me angry ||

Notice commands with only one important word:

|| Try ||

|| Take it ||

|| Lend it to them ||

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