Лекция: Текст 3

I. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. При необходимости пользуйтесь словарём.


Narrator: The solicitor says why he thinks thefts occur, and then he gives his views on violence.

Solicitor: In thefts I would say that the strongest motive is not to work.

Oh, and very often there is drinking with the theft...

Interviewer: Could you give an example?

Solicitor: They leave the pub, they go out, they see а house which is in darkness with а couple of milk bottles on the doorstep, they think, «Right, we'll do that house and get а bit more beer money for tomorrow.»

Interviewer: What about violence, it's one thing easy to explain.

Solicitor: I have very often found this. There is а pattern here too, especially the juvenile offenders, broken homes...

Interviewer: You mean they соme from broken homes...

Solicitor: Yes, from broken homes, or large, unhappy, rather poor families.

Слова и выражения:


narrator (n,C) - рассказчик

solicitor (n,C) – стряпчий, солиситор, поверенный в делах

interviewer (n,C) – интервьюер

occur (v) – случаться, происходить

give views – делиться мнением

violence (n,U) – насилие

theft (n, C/U) - кража

pattern (n,C) – образец

bottle (n,C) - бутылка

doorstep (n) – лестница в дом

beer money (n,U) – деньги на пиво

juvenile offender – подросток нарушитель

poor (n) - бедные



II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.


1. What are the strongest motives for theft?

2. What often occurs in lives of people involved in theft?

3. What house do robbers usually choose to robber?

4. What homes do usually robbers come from?

5. Give your own examples of robbery?


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