Лекция: Скороговорки для заучивания наизусть.
[i] 1. It’s a pity that little Kitty lives in a big city.
2. Six little kittens lost their mittens.
[e] 1. Better late than never.
2. East or West home is best.
3. Get ten eggs ready for breakfast.
[æ] 1. A black cat sat on a mat and ate a fat rat.
2. Fat Pat had a fat hat.
3. Sam packed his bag and ran to catch the tram.
[ɔ ] 1. Tom, what an odd clock!
2. I’m fond of our pond.
[u] The cook took a good look at the cook book.
[Λ] It’s fun to run and jump in the sun.
[Ə] My mother and my father like this weather.
[i:] 1. Please believe me.
2. Leave me in peace, please.
[a:] He laughs best who laughs last.
[ɔ:] The audience applauded Paul all the time.
[u:] The soup was too cool.
[Ə:] It’s the early bird that catches the worm.
[ei:] In Spain the rain is mainly in the plan.
[ou] Oh, don’t go home alone. No, I won’t.
[ai] 1. I like mild climate.
2. His flight was a bright sight.
[au] 1. Down to the ground.
2. Sit down or go out.
[εƏ] They could barely spare the money for their fare.
[aiƏ] The type is on fire.
[auƏ]1. Knowledge is power.
2. I like flowers.
[p] Peter picked a peck of pickled pepper.
[w] 1. Why do you cry, Willy?
Why do you cry?
Why, Willy, why, Willy, why, Willy, why?
[ŋ] Sitting alone and singing a long English song.
[r] Robert Roley rolled a round roll round.
[θ] Health is above wealth.
[ð] They can’t go there dressed like that.
[h] Helen’s husband hates hot tea.
[t∫] Most Scotch children choose cheese.
[∫] Could you show me the shortest way to the station?
[ʤ ] Hasn’t John given Jack the journal?
II. Научитесь правильно произносить [ŋ] между гласными. Не допускайте призвука [k] или [g] после [ŋ], а также назализации гласных перед ними.
Singer. Hanger. Ringer. Stringer. Winger. Clingy. Clanging. Ringing. Flinging. Slinging. Singing. Hanging. Stinger. Stinging. Swinging. Longish. Longing. Bringer. Bringing. Banging. Bunging. Dinging. Wronging. Wringing. Winging. Wringer. Flinger. Slinger. Thornging. Springer. Springing. Prolonging. Belonging. Ganger. Twanging. Wrong’un.
Научитесь правильно произносить сочетание [ŋ] со звуками [k] и [g]. Не забывайте о протяжной артикуляции [ŋ].
Finger. Linger. Longer. Longest. Dinghy. Monger. Hunger. Hungry. Hungarain. Younger. Tangle. Single. Wrangle. Jungle. Angle. Mangle. Triangle. Rectangle. Rink. Think. Drink. Wink. Rank. Tank. Thanks. Plank. Ink. Link. Bunk. Lank. Bank. Monk. Frank. Pink. Trunk. Drink.
Отработайте трудные звукосочетания [ðis iz ðƏ] и [iz ðis ðƏ].
This is the thing. This is the theory. This is the story. This is the theme. This is the saga. This is the song. Is this the thing? Is this the same thing? Is this the same zone? Is this the Zoo? Is this the zenith? Is this the zine?
Произнесите следующие словосочетания, не допуская замены сочетаний [fð] и [vð] сочетаниями [vf] или [vv].
Stuff them. Brief them. Reef them. Stafe them. Proof them. Bluff them. Knife them. Chaff them. Cuff them. Leave them. Love them. Move them. Believe them. Receive them. Deceive them. Retrieve them. Revive them. Save them.
Добейтесь чёткости при артикуляции трудного сочетания [wɔtsðƏ ].
What’s the matter? What’s the problem? What’s the idea? What’s the trouble? What’s the reason? What’s the difficulty? What’s the dilemma? What’s the obstacle? What’s the difference? What’s the objection? What’s the predicament? What’s the fix?
Обратите внимание на слитное произношение сочетаний [θl,θn,θm,θr,θw,θj]. Конечный [n] произносите протяжно, так как он является слогообразующим сонантом. Сонант [r] в таком сочетании имеет альвеолярную артикуляцию, а сонанты [l] и [n] артикулируются на задней стенке верхних зубов.
Worthless. Mirthless. Truthless. Pathless. Deathless. Breathless. Toothless. Monthly. Ruthless. Earth – light. Earthen. Strengthen. Lengthen. Earth – nut. Sheath – knife. Berthnote. Earthenware. Depthneedle. Birthnight. Earth – mover. Death – mask. Birth – mark. Path – master. Death – moth. South – most. Cloth – maker. Death – marked.
Произнесите следующие словосочетания, не допуская замены [θs] сочетаниями [ss] или [θθ].
Fourth side. Fifth session. Sixth servant. Seventh station. Eighth section. Ninth star. Tenth story. Eleventh sector. Twelfth song. Thirteenth speaker. Fourteenth sleeper. Fifteenth slab. Sixteenth siphon. Seventeenth swimmer. Eighteenth sample. Nineteenth silo. Twentieth sign. Thirtieth set.
Произнесите следующие выражения, не допуская замены сочетаний [sθ, zθ, fθ, vθ] сочетаниями [ss, zs, ff, vf].
Immense theatre. Curious theme. Tremendous theory. Serious thing. Poisonous thorn. Anxious thought. Wise thane. Those theses. These theories. His therapy. Deaf thinker. Brief theme. Takeoff thrust. Half thickness. Wave theory. Pensive thoughts. Effective thrust. Valve throat.
Произнесите следующие словосочетания, помня о том, что при слитном произнесении звуковых сочетаний [tθ, dθ, nθ, lθ, sθ, zθ] альвеолярные согласные звуки [t, d, n, l, s, z] становятся дентальными (зубными).
Prompt thrust. Heart throb. Silent threat. Knotted thread. Child thief. Sound theory. Golden thought. Hidden thing. Vaccine therapy. Social theme. Essential thing. Terrible threat. Reckless thirst. Useless thesis. Leafless thicket. These thoughts. Those things. His theory.
Отработайте произношение [v].
1. Everbody knew that Victor was waiting for Vera. 2. I used to be very fond of veal. 3. We don’t expect to leave till this evening.
III. Test exercise on transcription. Transcribe the following words according to the reading rules: