Лекция: Поставьте глагол-сказуемое в нужную форму.


1) We ( to be ) future economists.

2) Children seldom ( to read ) now.

3) My friend ( to prefer ) boxing to wrestling.

4) Betty ( to work ) as a manager at a bank.

5) Mother ( to like ) to watch this talk-show.

6) I ( to be ) very tired.

7) My niece ( to have ) beautiful blue eyes.

8) Steve and Nell ( to know ) Russian well.

9) These students ( to have ) English twice a week.

10) Our parents often ( to go ) to the Drama Theatre.


Переведите высказывания в прошлое и будущее. Сделайте необходимые изменения в форме сказуемого и обстоятельстве времени.


1) Jack lives in Liverpool.

2) We have lunch at 2 p.m.

3) My sister cooks very well.

4) I’m keen on collecting stamps.

5) The students study accounting.

6) Ben has a new job this year.

7) Liza likes traveling by plane.

8) I usually come home at 7 o’clock.

9) The students do some tests every year.

10) Father always goes to the country by car.


Постройте общий и альтернативный вопрос к утверждениям и сделайте их отрицательными.


1) I usually go shopping on Saturday.

2) We spent last weekend out of town.

3) Ann has a cup of coffee every morning.

4) My working day lasted six hours on Friday.

5) You will be in Minin Square in 10 minutes.

VI. Постройте специальные вопросы к предложениям задания V.


Преобразуйте утверждения в разделительные вопросы.


1) Victor’s sister is married.

2) John has a family.

3) We are in New York.

4) The weather is fine today.

5) These shoes aren’t your size.

6) Bill worked for that company 3 years ago.

7) The students translated this text at the last lesson.

8) Your son always does his homework.

9) May be, we shall return home next week.

10) They will be glad to see us.


Ответьте на вопросы.


1) Are you married or single?

2) Have you got a family of your own?

3) How many are you in the family?

4) Do your parents work?

5) Where do they work?

6) What does your husband ( wife ) do?

7) Have you got children?

8) Do they go to school?

9) How old is your son ( daughter )?

10) Where do you work? What is your occupation?

11) How long does your working day last?

12) When do you return home from work?

13) Where do you have lunch, at work or at home?

14) How do you spend your evenings?

15) What is your best friend’s name?

16) When did you get acquainted?

17) What is your friend’s hobby?

18) Is your friend a student like you?

19) What did your friend do last year?

20) Did you spend your last day off together?

21) Will you go to the country next weekend?

22) What will you do then?


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