Лекция: Поинтересуйтесь, не возражает ли ваш собеседник, если вы это сделаете.


I wonder if you mind my smoking here.

Would you mind my smoking here?

1. I wonder if you mind my smoking here.

2. I wonder if you mind my walking during the take off.

3. I wonder if you mind my shouting.

4. I wonder if you mind my putting the bag in the aisle.

5. I wonder if you mind my entering the cockpit.

6. I wonder if you mind my taking this bag.

Упражнение 4. Повторим еще раз страдательный залог. Для этого одно подлежащее замените другим и измените глагольную форму.


The clerk announced his flight.

His flight was announced by the clerk.


1. The clerk announced his flight.

2. The officer checked his visa.

3. They invited the passengers aboard the plane.

4. A friendly flight attendant met the passengers.

5. The flight attendant showed Victor his seat.

6. She explained the rules to the passengers.

7. She served drinks.

8. Everybody spoke English on the plane.


Упражнение 5. Объедините два высказывания в одно по образцу, употребив частицу «to».


I can't drink this coffee. It's too hot.

This coffee is too hot to drink.


1. I can't drink this coffee. It's too hot.

2. I can't understand this accent. It's too difficult.

3. I can't read this book. It's too boring.

4. I can't carry this bag. It's too heavy.

5. I can't speak to him. It's too difficult for me.

6. I can't solve this problem. It's too complicated.


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