Лекция: Упражнение 412

Замените выделенные части предложений герун­диальными оборотами, употребляя, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.

1. Do you mind if I smoke here? 2.Will you ob­ject if I close the door? 3.Thank you that you did it. 4.My teacher insists that I should read aloud every day. 5.Will Mary have anything against it if I take her umbrella for some time? 6. Iremember that I have seen this picture somewhere. 7. That you are against John's proposaldoes not mean that I must decline it. 8. The fact that you took English lessons some years agohelps you in your studies now. 9. Iam told that you are very busy.

Упражнение 413

Замените выделенные части предложений герун­диальными оборотами, употребляя, где необходимо, соответствующие предлоги.

Tom was afraid that he might be late. 2.Bill remembered that he had walked about the factory gate for months. 3. When the young man graduat­ed from Harvard,he returned to Russia. 4. Mary asked John to forgive her that she had not answered his letter sooner. 5. After we had passed our exam­inations,we had a very entertaining evening. 6. Michael remembered that he had enjoyed the trip

To the Bahamas. 7.They gave up the idea that they would find work. 8.The girls were afraid that they might miss the train. 9. Iam thankful that I have been given a chance to hear this outstanding sing­er. 10.Helen insisted that she should be given that job. 11. Idon't remember that I have ever seen an­yone dance like Plisetskaya.

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