Лекция: HOG MANAGEMENT 3 страница

VII. Переведите следующие предложения; обратите внимание на перевод причастия II.

a) 1. The amount of oats given varies with the condition of the foal. 2. The foals raised will be weaned at about 6 months. 3. The system of weaning used is very effective. 4. The amount of grass consumed is not sufficient for the mare. 5. The quality of the grain fed is very good.

b) 1. The amount of oats given to the foal varies with its condition. 2. The foals raised by them will be weaned at about six months of age. 3. The system of weaning used by these far­mers is very effective. 4. The amount of grass consumed by the mare is not sufficient for her. 5. The quality of the grain fed to the foals is very good.

c) 1. The amount of oats that is given to the foal varies with the condition of the foal. 2. Three foals are raised on our farm. 3. Anew system of weaning is used by this farmer. 4. The amount of grass that is consumed by the mare is not sufficient for her. 5. The foals are fed high-quality grain.


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VIII. Ответьте на следующие вопросы?

1. What classes of horses do you know?

2. Why is pasture the best place for keeping brood mares?

3. What should the mare be given after foaling?

4. For how many months should the foal run with its dam?

5. What does the amount of oats given to the foal after weaning
depend on?

6. What kind of ration should the young stallion be supplied with?

7. Which feeds should be followed by hay?

8. Is it good to give large feeds immediately after very hard work?

IX. Переведите на английский язык.

а) тяжеловоз, жерёбая кобыла, жеребиться, выжеребка, родильное отделение, жеребенок, жеребец, следовать за, влиять на, племенной скот, выгонять на пастбище.

б) 1. Отнятого жеребенка кормят бобовым сеном. 2. Мы говорим о выбранном жеребце. 3. За кобылой следовал жеребенок. 4. На состояние кобылы влияют условия содержания.

в) 1. Необходимость иметь лошадей разных пород и типов обусловлена различными экономическими и климатическими условиями нашей страны. 2. На потребность лошади в воде влияет вид выполняемой работы. 3. В некоторых районах нашей страны конское мясо и молоко широко используется как пища для человека. 4. Молочная продуктивность кобыл, как известно, довольно высокая. 5. В течение 5-7 месяцев лактации молочная продуктивность может доходить до 3000 литров, включая молоко, потребленное жеребенком.



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X. Прочтите текст и озаглавьте абзацы по-английски (по-русски).


Thestallion should be kept; in a large box-stall with or without a stanchion. Light, proper ventilation and sanitation are essential for the health of the sire. Stalls must be well bedded. Wheat straw is the best material for this purpose. Oat straw may be used for bedding as well. Stalls are to be cleaned daily to keep them clean, dry and sanitary.

A large paddock adjoining the stable is very desirable for the stallion to exercise. Exercise is absolutely necessary to keep the sire in optimum breeding condition. All horses need plen­ty of exercise and will get enough, provided they are on pasture. If they are confined to a stall, they should be turned out for exercise daily.

During the breeding season the sire should be fed the ration rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. The best grain ration is oats. The stallion should be provided with plenty of salt and water. He may drink as muck as 10 to 12 gallons of water a day and even more in hot weather.



1. Самостоятельный причастный оборот

2. Функции причастия II (повторение)

3. Повторение пройденных грамматических
и лексических структур

4. only, the only


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I. Слова и выражения для повторения.

to supply, growth, to receive, quality, quantity, palatable, that is, grass hay, be due to, foal, brood mare, to suckle, re­quirement, body, to use, supplement, to obtain, leafy, roughage, to cause, that is why, to take care of, one, digestive disturban­ces, either… or, sunshine

II. Сгруппируйте слова по частям речи (существительные, прилага­тельные, причастия, наречия).

functional, technically, association, regulating, restricted, unselected, climatic, gradual, independent, washable, hopeless, useful, finest, grower, defective, introduction, prac­tically, significance, artificial, constructing

Nutritive Needs of Horses

To supply all the needs — maintenance, growth, reproduction, lactation and work-horses must receive feeds of proper quality and quantity to furnish the necessary proteins, energy, minerals and vitamins. Such rations are said to be balanced. Moreover, the feed must be palatable, that is, horses must like it.

In horse feeding, especially when grass hays are fed, protein is frequently the only limiting factor in the ration. This is due to the fact that the common farm grass hays are deficient in both quantity and quality of proteins for best results. The protein in the ration is of special importance for young growing foals and for brood mares suckling their young foals. Protein requirements of the animals mentioned are much greater than those of other classes of horses.

Energy is essential for the necessary normal life processes of the animal including body maintenance, reproduction and lactation. After these requirements are met, surplus energy may bе used in performing work or may be stored as body fat.



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The proper development of the bone is particularly important in the horse. For this reason special mineral supplements are needed, but only those that are deficient andin the quantities that are necessary should be supplied. The minerals most likely to be deficient in rations for horses are common salt, calcium, phosphorus and iodine.

It is to be emphasized that best results are obtained when vi­tamins are supplied through natural sources. The combination of high quality, leafy green roughages and plenty of sunshine is usually adequate protection against vitamin deficiencies in horses.

The condition of the horses is sometimes influenced by nutritio­nal deficiencies. The symptoms of some nutritional deficiencies especially deficiencies of certain vitamins and minerals may not be visible. Yet such deficiencies without outward signs may cause great economic losses because of being unnoticed. That is why sufficient additives, especially minerals and vitamins should al­ways be present but care should be taken to avoid imbalances.

Avoid sudden changes in diet especially when changing from a less concentrated ration to a more concentrated one. This rule of feeding being ignored, digestive disturbances result. In either adding or omitting one or more ingredients, the change should be made gradually.

Пояснения к тексту

1. to meet requirement — удовлетворять потребности

2. for this reason — no этой причине
3. plenty of — много



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only — только

the only — единственный

Активные слова и выражения

maintenance, reproduction, to meet requirements, surplus, to per­form work, source, nutritional deficiency, additive, to avoid, only, the only

III. Выделите самостоятельный причастный оборот, переведите.

1. The cultivated pasture having been scarce, the brood mare was fed some supplementary feed.

2.Pastures being divided into paddocks, each plot is grazed more profitably. 3. Water being essen­tial to various physiological processes of the horse, the average mature horse will consume about 12 gallons daily. 4. Hor­ses being used at very hard work, more than 12 gallons of water is needed to them. 5. Certain vitamins are necessary in horse rations, best results being obtained when they are supplied through natural sources. 6. The mare being given heavy work, the foal may be weaned earlier than it is usually recommended. 7. Weaning is separation of the dam and her young, the latter being usually left in its familiar surroundings. 8. Colostrum stimulating all the functions of the body, the newborn foal must nurse as soon as possible.

IV. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на место в предложении причастия II и его перевод.

1. In addition to the type of work performed by the horse, the kind of feed consumed also affects the quantity of water received. 2. The period ofhorse service is largely determined by the nutrition of the animal.


•accustom — привыкать

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3. Foals accustomed to eating hay before weaning are separated from their dams rather easily. 4. At

the conference they discussed the methods of feeding foals kept on their farms. 5. The new method

of keeping new-born pigs wor­ked out by one of our hog breeders has been introduced on many

farms. 6. The brood mare needed as a work horse should be fed the same аs a work horse is fed.

V. Выделите пройденные грамматические и лексические структуры в следующих предложениях, переведите.

1. A balanced ration is the one consisting of several nutrients in proper proportion and amount in order to maintain the animal in thrifty condition. 2. High quality hay is known to be as nu­tritious as good pasture grassеs. 3. A few days after birth it is best to take calves away from their dams, provided the latter are to be milked. 4. Skim milk being low in vitamin A, calves re­ceiving it should be provided with feed rich in this vitamin un­til they begin to eat hay, silage or grass. 5. In planning rati­ons for dairy cows one should select feeds providing the necessa­ry nutrients in proper proportion as well as quantity.

6. Legume silage is much higher in protein than either grass or corn silage. 7. The more concentrated is the ration, the more water is to be provided. 8. Unless good pasture is available, grain or other protein-rich feeds may be used to provide a balanced ration. 9. Forpigs to make rapid gains, they should be fed both digestible end palatable feeds. 10. Provided the quality of pasture grasses is good, no grain is required for sheep. 11. Sheep raising is likely to be unprofitable under conditions of high temperature and high rainfall. 12. The pastures to be used for sheep should not be too wet. 13. The energy requirements for work are determined by the size of the horse and the type of work performed. 14. The foal eating grain readily, a creep may be constructed for him.



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VI. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на выделенные слова.

1. This horse-breeding farm is the only one in our region. 2. Only digestible and palatable feeds are fed to pigs. 3. This is not the only horse breed raised on our farm. 4. Only mountain flocks are raised in this part of England. 5. Only healthy and vigorous rams are chosen for breeding purposes. 6. The only feed that is nearest to the ideal ration is spring pasture. 7. Obtaining high meat and milk yields is not the only problem in animal husbandry.

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why is it necessary to provide balanced rations for horses?

2. When is protein the limiting factor in the ration?

3. What classes of horses need much protein?

4. How is surplus energy used after main body requirements are met?

5. Are there any minerals deficient in horse ration?

6. What are the two conditions that are necessary as a protection against vitamin deficiency in horses?

7. Why do nutritional deficiencies cause great losses?

8. Why should sudden changes in diet be avoided?

VIII. Переведите на английский язык.

а) излишек, добавка, выполнять работу, только, воспроизводство, потери, единственный, удовлетворять потребности, недостаточность питания, избегать, поддерживание (физического состояния животного)

б) I. Рационы для лошадей должны быть сбалансированы. 2. Белок необходим для растущих животных и племенных кобыл. 3. Большие экономические потери могут быть вызваны недостаточностью питания. 4. Необходимо избегать внезапных изменений в рационе.


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в) 1. Кормить и поить лошадей следует 3 раза в день. 2. На потреб­ность в питательных веществах у лошадей влияют живой вес ло­шади и характер работы, выполняемой ею. 3. Не следует давать лошади большое количество объемистых кормов. 4. В период ис­пользования лошадей на тяжелых работах им дают большое коли­чество концентрированных кормов. 5. Единственным кормом для лошадей летом является высококачественное пастбище.

IX. Прочтите текст и назовите номер предложения, которое соответствует следующему предложению в русском языке:

Он должен быть разделен на три части, причем вечерняя часть должна быть самой большой.

Feeding Light Horses

1. Light horses need less hay and more grain in proportion to their weight than work horses.

2. Timothy hay mixed with a small amount of legume hay is used by most horsemen. 3. Oats constitute the main grain ration. 4. The oat feed of about 10 1b. is given per day. 5.This should be divided into three feeds, the evening one being the largest. 6. Wheat bran may be used as well. 7. On days when light horses are not used grain should be re­duced to about one half. 8. Being on good pasture, they may be kept with no grain at all.

Повторение темы «HORSES»

I. Прочтите текст и выполните задание, данное после текста.
Feeding Horses

Work horses are usually fed hay and grain. Timothy hay is a standard roughage for these animals. Grass or legume hay is also used in certain regions. Oats are a valuable grain in areas where they are grown. Corn is also fed. Other grains may also be used for feeding horses.



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Horses should be provided with plenty of salt and water. They drink 10 to 12 gallons of water daily and more in hot weather.

The amount of feed given to the horse varies with the quality of feed, the kind of work that the horse does and the weight or size of the animal. The larger the horse, the bigger the amount of feed given.

Pasture is very desirable for feeding work horses. Many far­mers allow horses to run on pasture at night and when they do not work. In this case roughages in the form of hay can be conside­rably reduced.

Исправьте последовательность пунктов плана к вышеуказанному тексту.

a) Water in the ration of horses.

b) Importance of pastures.

c) Grains in the ration of horses.

d) Factors affecting the amount of feed.

II. Прочтите текст и переведите предложения, где говорится:

а) о том, как кормят племенную кобылу, когда ее используют на работах.

б)как кормят жеребенка после отнятия.

Feeding Brood Mares and Foals

In winter brood mares that are not used for work are fed grain and usual roughage. They are forced to take exercise daily. After foaling if the mare is not needed for work she and her foal may be turned out on good pasture and no other feed is necessary. If the brood mare is needed as a work horse, it is necessary to feed her in the same way as a work horse is fed but she should be given more grain. Oats are the best among grains. During the day time when the mare is working, her foal should be kept in a box stall.


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Grain should be given to the foal as soon as itwill eat it. It takes place at three or four weeks of age. A mixture of 60 parts of oats and 40 parts of bran is desirable. At five to sixmonths of age, that is, at weaning time the foal will eat 2 to 3 pounds of grain par day. At this time the foal should be provided good-quality legume hay. The feed of the foal older than six months of age may consist primarily of good pasture in summer and good roughage in winter. Most horsemen feed small amounts of gra­in to the foal especially during the winter season.


III. Прочтите текст. Озаглавьте его. Догадайтесь по контексту о значении выделенных слов.

There is a considerable disagreement* among horsemen about the proper age to wean a foal. If the foal is allowed to run with his dam all the time his mare usually weans him when he is about a year old or a little earlier. However if the mare is pregnant suckling a foal for more than six months is likely to have an undesirable effect upon the unborn foal. Weaning earlier than at five months usually has an undesirable effect upon the suckling. Six months has long been a standard for the age of weaning a foal. Weaning can be done easily if the foal has been taught to eat grain early. Whole oats is the best feed for foals, especially if the latter have access to grain in the creep which is so constructed that foals can enter it but mares cannot. The weanlings should be provided with good, green, leafy legume hay and good pasture, if possible. Clean water must be available at all times.


2. Прочтите текст еще раз. Разделите его на два абзаца и выделите основную мысль каждого из них по-английски.

*disagreement — разногласие


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Lesson 18

ТЕМА: Systems of poultry keeping

Грамматика и лексика:

1. Сложное подлежащее и сложное дополнение
с инфинитивом в сложной форме, § 10

2. Усилительная конструкция «it is...that» § 21

3. Значения слова «It» § 25 (повторение)

I. Слова и выражения для повторения.

poultry, poultry house, egg, aim, average, to obtain, fat, to allow, nutritious, to vary with, to require, food, conditions, to supply, to provide, since, clean, fresh, to consume, as, pro­vided, to decrease, to increase

II. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих интернациональных слов:

chromosome, transmission, mission, base, initiator, program, portion, position, principal, genetic, gene, automatically

III. Переведите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод сложного подлежащего или сложного дополнения с инфинитивом в сложной форме.

1. This foal is said to have been weaned at 7 months. 2. Brood mares are known to be forced to take exercise. 3. They are likely to have milked the cows. 4. We know milk yields to have been increased due to improved feeding. 5. This breeder is known to have bred a new dairy breed.

6. The veterinarian thinks this disease to havebeen caused by improper management conditions. 7. Cattle are known to be kept for the production of meat and milk. 8. We believe cows to be kept in cowsheds there. 9. They are likely to be milking the cows now. 10. Cows arelikely to be milked twice daily. 11. The cows are likely to have been milked.


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IV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию “it is… that (who)”.

1. It is this farm that obtains high milk yields. 2. It is due to liberal feeding ofnutritious feeds that milk yields have been increased. 3. It is the high percentage of fibre that makes rougha­ges to be unsuitable forpigs. 4. It is this system of fattening that our farmers follow. 5. It is this breeder who has obtained high meat yields. 6. It is the weakest pig that should bе placed to the teat that secretes most milk.


There are four main species of domesticated poultry: fowls, ducks, geese and turkeys.

Fowls are kept for (1) the production of eggs, (2) breeding and (3) the production of table birds.

Egg production being the main aim, birds are generally kept for one or at the most two laying seasons. It is during their pullet or first year that hens lay most eggs. On the average 150-180 eggs per hen per year are obtained through individual birds are known to have laid 200 eggs and more per year.

There exist different systems of poultry keeping. Intensive sys­tem is the one when birds are kept indoors all the year round. This system is likely to be practised near large towns where land is limited. When semi-intensive system is used, birds are restricted to a certain area of land. The houses should be large enough to keep birds intensively during bad weather. There is also a free range system when unlimited pastures are allowed. Portable houses are commonly used in this case. Often birds are confined in separate cages during the entire laying period. This system is known as laying batteries. The floor of the cage has a gentle slope forward, thus allowing the eggs to roll out of


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the cage. Under this system birds have been found to give good results.


The method of feeding varies with the system ofmanagement, birds on free range requiring less

food, especially of a protein nature, than those kept under intensive conditions.

The ration of a laying hen consists of crushed or whole grain, mixture of meals or mash and other vitamin feeds. Mash is known to be fed either dry or wet. Normally a hen will consume 4-5 oun­ces of food per day during the period of egg laying. This may be made up of half grain and half mash. Grain should be given in two feeds, one in the morning and the second in the evening. Mash can be given either as one feed of wet mash in the middle of the day or as dry mash in hoppers that are open all day long. Cod-liver oil and green feed are essential for hens kept under intensive and semi-intensive systems. Crushed limestone should be supplied as well to provide calcium, because it is this element that is necessary in making egg shells.

As a rule, a laying hen will eat more than the one that is not laying. Since eggs are 65%water, clean fresh water should be available at all times.

Пояснения к тексту

1. table bird — птица на мясо

2. at the most — самое большее

3. on the average — в среднем

4. there exist — существуют, имеются

5. intensive system — содержание птицы без выгулов

6. semi-intensive system — содержание птицы с выгулом

7. a free range system — содержание птицы на пастбище


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8. laying batteries — содержание несушек в клетках

9. a laying hen — несушка

10. tо be made up of — состоять из

11. Cod-liver oil — рыбий жир

12. as a rule — как правило

Активные слова и выражения

fowl, goose, duck, bird, turkey, to lay, egg laying, hen, a laying hen, hopper, pullet, cage, mash, shell, intensive system, semi-intensive system, a free-range system, laying batteries, to consist of

V. Составьте предложения, соединяя подходящие по смыслу части.

1. Hens lay most eggs a. birds are confined in separate cages.

2. Intensive system of poultry keeping b. half grain and half mash.

3. There is a certain area of land for birds kept с for making shells.
4. Under the system of laying batteries d. is fed in hoppers.

5. Crushed limestone should be supplied e. under semi-intensive system.

6. Daily hens food consists of f. their pullet year.

7. Dry mash g. is practised near large towns.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на сложные формы инфинитива в сложном подлежащем и сложном дополнении.

1. Four main species of domesticated poultry are known to be bred by man. 2. Under the intensive system birds are known to be kept only indoors. 3. Cod-liver oil is known to be fed to


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birds kept under intensive and semi-intensive systems of keeping. 4. The hens kept in laying batteries are said to have laid much more eggs last year than those kept intensively. 5. Calcium is known to be required for making shells. 6. The veterinarian belie­ves the scours in the calves to have been caused by their eating too young grass. 7. This ram is said to have served 75 ewes last season. 8. Strong and healthy lambs are unlikely to be produced by the ewes that are in thin condition. 9. A great improvement in the offspring is considered to have been achieved by using a pure-bred ram and thrifty and well grown ewes. 10. Very good re­sults have been found to be obtained from feeding the sheep with a mixture consisting of two parts of oats and one part of bran. 11. The horse breeder thinks the decrease in weight of the work horse to have been caused by the lack of digestible carbohydra­tes and protein.

VII. Выделите слова, которые подчеркиваются усилительной конструкцией it is… that (who); переведите.

1. It is the intensive system of keeping poultry that is practi­sed near large towns. 2. It is the portable houses that are used under a free range system of poultry keeping. 3. It is under a free range system that birds require less feed than those kept under intensive conditions. 4. It is dry mash that is fed in hoppers. 5. It is the production of table birds that is the pri­mary aim on their farm. 6. It is on this poultry farm that many birds have laid more than 200 eggs each this year. 7. It is warm water that is generally given to the mare after foaling. 8. It is roughages that are given to ewes during the early part of their pregnancy period.


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VIII. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на различные значения слова «it».

1. This bird lays many eggs. It is her first laying season. It is kept under a free range system. It is important to have portab­le houses under this system. It is portable houses that should be used under this system. 2. It is necessary to give 4-5 ounces of food per bird per day. It consists of half grain and half mash. 3. Grain should be given to birds. It should be given in two feeds. It is very important to follow this method of feeding grain. It is this method that is known to be very effective.

IX. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What are fowls kept for?

2. For how many laying seasons are birds usually kept?

3. When do hens lay most eggs?

4. What is the average number of eggs laid by one bird per year?

5. What systems of poultry keeping do you know?

6. Under what system do birds require less supplementary feed?

7. How is mash fed to birds?

8. What does the ration of a laying hen consist of?

9. What is calcium required for?

X. Переведите на английский язык.

а) курица, нести яйца, яйцекладка, несушка, состоять из, птица на мясо, мешанка, содержание птицы на пастбище, содержание птицы с выгулом, содержание птицы в клетках, содержание птицы без выгулов, молодка

б) I. Куры несут больше всего яиц в первый год. 2. При интенсив­ной системе кур содержат в птичниках. 3. Метод кормления птицы зависит от системы ее содержания. 4. Именно корм белкового характера нужно давать в период яйцекладки. 5. Яйцо, как известно, содержит 65% воды.


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в) 1. Яйценоскость обусловлена несколькими факторами, причем условия содержания являются наиболее важным из них. 2. Говорят, что одна из куриц в нашем хозяйстве снесла яйцо в возрасте 100 дней. 3. На яйценоскость птицы не оказывает влияния ин­тенсивный способ содержания. 4. В условиях оптимального интен­сивного содержания куры хорошо несутся как в клетках, так и на полу. 5. Яичная продуктивность птицы определяется не только количеством яиц, снесенных несушкой, но и общим весом яиц.

XI. Разделите текст на два абзаца и выделите основную мысль каждого из них по-английски (по-русски).

The Importance of Domesticated Poultry

Domesticated poultry, mainly fowls, provide us with very im­portant products such as eggs, meat, fat as well as down and feather. Eggs and meat are highly nutritious products. Hen eggs are high in fats, protein, calcium, phosphorus and other minerals. They are also rich in vitamins. Hen meat contains about 19 per cent of protein, 16 per cent of fats and 1 per cent of mineral matter. Hens, ducks and turkeys produce more eggs during their first year of egg laying. Then their egg production decreases with every coming year. The egg laying in geese usually increases up to the fourth or sometimes to the sixth year of their lives. The amount of eggs produced by a bird varies with the breed and the feeding and management conditions as well. The better the conditions of feeding and management the higher the egg production.

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