Лекция: Упражнение 97

Вставьте some, any или по.

1. We haven't got… milk. We can't make an omelette. 2. Bob always likes… sugar in his cof­fee. 3. Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted… bread.

4. They haven't got… stamps. I can't post my letter.

5. He has got… money. He can't spend his holidays in Switzerland any more and stay at luxury hotels.

6. There are… schools in this street. 7. Are there… pictures in your book? 8. There are… flowers here in winter. 9. I can see… children in the yard. They are playing. 10. Are there… new buildings in your street? 11. There are… people in the park be­cause it is cold. 12. I saw… boys in the garden, but


Местоимения some, any, no, every 79


Mike was not among them. 13. They brought… good books from the library. 14. Give me… tea, please, I am thirsty. 15. Dinner was not yet ready, so she gave the children… bread and butter because they were hungry. 16. Do you want… milk in your coffee? 17. Have you got… time to spare? I'd like to ask you… questions. 18. Is there… cheese on the plate? 19. There is… ham on the plate. 20. There is… tea in the cup: the cup is empty.

Сравните следующие предложения:

After dinner he drank some juice. сока (некоторое количество)

He does not drink milk after dinner, he drinks s juice.

сок (не некоторое коли­чество, а сок вообще; сок, а не молоко)

I brought some books from the library. (некоторое количество книг)

I like s books.

(не некоторое количество, а вообще книги)

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