Реферат: The JFK Assassination Conspiracy Or SingleGunman Essay

The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy Or Single-Gunman? Essay, Research Paper

The JFK Assassination: Conspiracy or Single-Gunman?

Adolf Hitler, the Nazi dictator of Germany during World War II, once said, “The

bigger the lie, the more people will believe it.” Although this may sound

ludicrous, we can see many example of this in the world’s history. One example

would have to be the John Fitzgerald Kennedy assassination. For over thirty

years the people of the United States were led to believe that a single gunman

shot and killed Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m… However,

in this paper, I will dispute the ancient analization of the facts that show a

single gunman was involved, and try to show that a conspiracy must have been


According to the old facts regarding the case of the JFK assassination, Kennedy

was killed by a single gunman. On November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. CST (Central

Standard Time), Kennedy was riding in an open limousine through Dallas, Texas.

At this time, Kennedy was shot in the head and neck by a sniper. He was then

taken to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead. Later,

police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald, a former U.S. Marine, at a nearby theater.

By the next morning, Oswald was booked for the murder of President John F.

Kennedy. Two days later, Oswald was killed by Jack Ruby, a Dallas nightclub

owner, while he was being moved from the city to the county jail.

At a glance, the above story sounds as if this should be an open-and-shut case.

After all, according to the facts above, Oswald must have killed Kennedy.

However, you must take a deeper look into this case. Many people who witnessed

the murder of John F. Kennedy dispute the facts above, saying that they heard

shots from places besides the book depository, and other things that may

contradict what is stated above. One of these witnesses, Abraham Zapruder,

captured the entire assassination on his Bell and Howell eight millimeter movie

camera. This movie, cleverly called the Zapruder Film, is the single best piece

of visual evidence in this case.

In order to more clearly understand the Zapruder Film, it is necessary to break

it down into frames. The particular Bell and Howell movie camera that Zapruder

was using ran at eighteen and three-hundredths (18.3) frames per second. When

using this frame system, you must remember that all shots were actually fired

several frames before the number that is assigned to them. For example, the

fatal heard wound, called Z313, was probably fired at Z310, since it took 2-3

frames at 18.3 frames per second for the bullet to reach the victim. Also, you

must remember that sound travels at about one thousand-one hundred (1,100) feet

per second, or a little over half as fast as the Mannlicher Carcano’s bullets.

When keeping this in mind, it is expected that witnesses heard the shot at some

point after the bullet passed. The following shows a break down of the frames

of the Zapruder film:

– The Presidential limousine first comes into view at frame 133 (the starting

point of this

timeline.) – The first shot at (or just before) Z187 would have passed through


Governor Connally and the President.

– The second shot, which passed above the limousine at Z284, missed the

President and hit

the curb near witness James Tague. This caused his minor wound.

– At Z313, the fatal shot occurs, which blew out major portions of the

Presidents brain and


– A fourth shot occurred at Z323 (slightly 1/2 second after the fatal wound at

Z313). Due

to the proximity of this report to the one at Z313, as well as it’s more

distant origin,

most witnesses were unable to hear this shot.

Thus, the above is when the bullets hit either Kennedy or Connally, or passed

through the frames of the Zapruder film (in the case of the second shot). Of the

one-hundred seventy-eight (178) witnesses at Dealey Plaza, one-hundred thirty-

two (132) said that they hear exactly three shots. If Oswald was a single

gunman, it would have taken him at least 2.3 seconds to reload his Mannlicher

Carcano rifle. However, the general consensus of the witnesses is that they

heard a single shot, followed by silence, with the second and third shots

bunched together. For example, Lee Bowers, one of the witnesses, testified, “I

heard three shots, one, then a slight pause, then two very close together.”

Also, Warren W. Taylor, a Secret Service agent, said, “As a matter of course, I

opened the door and prepared to get out of the car. In the instant that my left

foot touched the ground, I heard two more bangs and realized that they must be

gun shots.” Lastly, when Miss Willis, a witness, was asked if she heard any

shots, she testified, “Yes; I heard one. Then there was a little bit of time,

and then there were two real fast bullets together. When the first one hit,

well, the President turned from waving to the people, and he grabbed his throat,

and he kind of slumped forward, and then I couldn’t tell where the second shot

went.” Thus, it would have been impossible for one gunman to fire a shot with

the Mannlicher Carcano rifle, reload, fire again, and fire again in a very short

amount of time in order to make the shots sound close together. Also, when the

fatal shot hit Kennedy, his head went back and to the left, implying that the

bullet came from the front and right, not from the left.

Although many people dispute the single bullet theory, this may be true. To

understand why, you must understand the trajectory of the bullet and the angles

involved. The bullet, if fired from the Texas School Book Depository, should

have hit Kennedy at a 21 degree angle, and, in fact, it did. (See the pictures

on the subsequent pages.) Also, President Kennedy was sitting nearly six inches

above the level of Connally’s seat. Thus, when the bullet left the President,

it hit Connally, who was turned 15-20 degrees. When the bullet hit Connally,

the hole in his back was 5/8 inches wide by 1/4 inches high, or more than twice

as wide as tall. This means that the bullet was partially turned sideways when

it entered Connally’s back. Thus, the bullet must have hit something before it

hit Connally. Also, the bottom of the bullet that was found was broken open

and was extruding tiny particles of lead. X-rays taken at Parkland showed

precisely that type of particle embedded in the Governor’s wrist and thigh

wounds. However, even if the single bullet theory is true, it in no way lessens

the fact that there were multiple gunmen, and there was a conspiracy. (The

“magic bullet” is thought to be bullet one on the Zapruder film.)

Lastly, one has to consider what the biggest motives would be to kill the

President. One motive has to deal with President Kennedy trying to get out of

Vietnam. This war was the biggest business in America at the time. It brought

in over eighty billion dollars a year. Thus, since the President was trying to

get out of the war, he would have been costing business men a lot of money.

Also, vice-president Johnson would have profited a lot because he was the next

to become president. Thus, people, including the vice-president, had motives to

kill the President.

As you can see, the killing of John F. Kennedy was a conspiracy. There is no

way a single gunman could have fired all the bullets that hit Kennedy and

Connnally in that short period of time. Also, since Kennedy’s head went back

and to the left, the bullet must have been fired from the front and right of

Kennedy. This shows that there was another gunman, which makes this a

conspiracy. Someday, it would be nice if the truth is revealed about who fired

the bullets, and how many gunmen there actually were.


1.Harris, Robert. “The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy: A

Reassessment of Original Testimony and Evidence.”

2.Harris, Robert.”The Single Bullet Theory: A Question of


3.Newman, John. “Oswald and the CIA.” Carroll and Graf Publishers, Inc.

New York: 1995.

4.Summers, Anthony. “Conspiracy.” McGraw-Hill Book Company. New York:


5.”JFK” Directed by Oliver Stone. Warner Bros., Inc. 1991.

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