Реферат: Book Of Nod Essay Research Paper The

Book Of Nod Essay, Research Paper

The preface to this book is very cool. I know that this book is totally

fictional, and is in no way real, but the preface makes the book sound like it

was written from ancient scrolls and manuscripts that were uncovered through his

journies. The preface describes how he was able to get all of the material to

write the book. It is incredibly detailed and extreamly vague at the same time

if that is possible. With all of the history and this mans travels in the

preface, it seems like the book is written from fact and really gives the book a

nice read to it. Chapter Two: The Chronicals of Caine This is the begining of

Caine’s adventure, this story was written in a biblical type of story line. The

diffrence from the bible and this book is that instead of focusing on the light,

it focuses on the darker side. Instead of god, this book more or less deals and

talks of the devil. Caine in this story, just as in the bible, starts off by

sacrificing his most prised possetion to god, in this case it happens to be his

brother Able. He thinks this to be a fitting sacrifice because he was told to

sacrifice that which was most dear to him. Insted of the praise that he thought

he would recieve, he was cursed by the god he loved so much. He was cursed into

the land of NOD. The land of nothing, the land of balckness. Caine, in this new

world, was completely helpless, until he came upon a woman named Lilith. Lilith

was able to help him and give him comfort. In doing so, she fell in love with

Caine. Caine, later, was vistited by the archangels of god. First was the

archangel Michel. Micheal offered himforgiveness, Caine’s responce was «I

shall not be forgiven by god but by my own strength.» With this responce

Caine was further cursed. God set onto him the curse that «For ever more

fire shall bite you and take thy flesh openly.» Making him even more

effected by fire than normal mortals. The next archangel to come was Rapheal.

Again, Caine was offered forgiveness, again he refused, and again he was cursed.

God set upon him the curse «Forever more, the suns rays shall burn thee

like fire.» This made him fear the light and even more embrace the

darkness. After that, The archangel Uriel came to him. Again he was offered

forgiveness, and again he refused. His curse this time was «You shall drink

only blood and eat ashes only. And you shall live forever more undead, never

dying.» With this, he was cursed to live the rest of his life as, what now

is refered to as a Vampire. Lastley, he was joined again by and archangel. He

was offered forgivness, he refused, and he was cursed again. «Your children

shall bear your same curse, and in them you will plant your dark seed.»

With this his entire blood line was cursed to live out his same life. Caine was

totally devistated now, cursed to the brink, he pleeded with Lilith to teach him

the ways that she lived in this void so long. She taught him her secrets,

Awakening the inner beast in him. With these new powers, Caine was able to

further his powers with his own learning and experimenting. He learned the

secrets of the darkness. With these powers he was able to leave NOD and return

back to his own world. Leaving Lilith behind in her NOD. Being new to the world

and very tired from the energy it took to get him there he needed blood to heal.

He happend upon an old cron, that was more than willing to let him feed. He fed

on her for three days, and on the third she mixed a potion that she said would

fully recover his wounds. Instead, it was a blood bind to the cron. Forever more

the cron could control Caine, and in that Caine would control anyone that drank

of his blood. He then came back to the crone, and described to her a dream that

he pretended to have about his children coming back on him and trying to kill

him, so the cron taught him how to kill a vampire, a wooden stake straight to

the heart. With this, Caine turns on the crone and shoves the wooden stake

through her heart killing her. Caine then goes back to the first city and is

made ruler, he gets bored after a while and wants company, so he bites Enche and

is made his first son, Enche wishes to have brother and sister and so he is

given them. And this is were it gets confusing… Chapter Two: The Chronicle of

Shadows This is a very lengthy descusion of how and why the children of Caine

operate. As his curse had earlier stated, Caine’s childeren were doomed to

constantly fight amunst them selves. Caine makes himself Ten more childern,

making thirteen in all. These thirteen children of Caine seperate and make their

own children. These, Caine’s children and Caine’s children’s Children, create

thier own clans in order to fight each other. It Describes each of the thirteen

Childrens clans. The clan names are as follows: Progeny, Canaille, Moon Beasts

(Werewolves), WildOnes (Kamakazie Vampires), Bruhaj, Gangrel, Malvak, Nosferatu,

Trendor, Venture, Saulot, Diablerie, Jyhad. Progeny are the ones that rules the

land of enoche, the human city. Canaille are the ones that protected the humans

from other vampires in return the humans hide and helped these vampires. Moon

Beasts (Werewolves) are the vampires that, on full moons, change to wolvish

monsters and hunt the land for anything that move. The Wild Ones, the warrior

clan, they are the most beautiful, yet most deadly. Bruhaj, they are a self

seving clan. They can beat on each other but if you cross any of them, you get

the entire clan’s wrath. Gangrel will attack anything that moves just for the

fun of it. Malvak are the choas bringers. They seek out any way to cause

disruption. Nosferatu are the masters of the night. They hide in the shadows, by

the time you see them your blood is already splattered on the walls. Trendor are

not fighters, They seek the more beautiful things and the more intellectual

things. Venture These are more or less the police for vampires. Saulot is a clan

based around the worship of their original father, Caine. Diableria are focused

on pholosify and on the words of scollors. Jyhad is a clan that absolutely

nothing is know for sertain about, but they are the focus of multipule myths.

Each of the children and thier children fought the other of the thirteen clans

until they die. Among these clans they were also hunted by humans that came to

know of the Vampires. These children got to a point that Caine had to do

something because he could not stand the fighting anymore. He came out with a

list of rules for the Vampires to live by. The clans did not much like these

rules and again Caine’s curse lived up to the words. Because of the rules he had

all of his children and thier children out for his blood. Caine went into hiding

and was never seen from again. Some of his children thought that he was hiding,

some thought that he made a deal with the demons he controlled and went to rule

the underworld. But where ever he did go, he was never seen from again, which

all of them had stories of where he went. Chapter Three: The Chronicals of

Secrets This chapter describes what is profisised to happen, when, where and how

Caine is to come back to the world of the real. It describes blood red moons,

and pure black suns. The earth opening up and all the under demons of everyones

worst nightmares magnified comming forth to rule and kill the planet. It is all

the fears and all of the hopes of Caine’s Children. It is said that Caine will

come back and rule the world and rule with an iron fist. He is said to rule in a

way that makes all of his followers so impure and ungodly that the stench of it

reached to the high heavens and god himself chokes on the vapor. Did I mention I

love this book? It also goes into some rules and lifestyles of vampires. The

topic of love is mentioned by Caine and is siad that no vampire should endulge

in love because it is not a thing that cursed creatures such as them should have

in their non-lives.

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