Учебное пособие: Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ для студентов 2 курса факультета права и социальных коммуникаций заочной формы обучения (кроме специальности 030500 Юриспруденция) (контрольная работа №3)
Кафедра___________________Иностранные языки _______________
Проректор по учебной работе,
д.э.н., профессор
________________________Новикова Н.Г.
для студентов 2 курса факультета права и социальных коммуникаций заочной формы обучения (кроме специальности 030500 – Юриспруденция)
(контрольная работа №3)
Дисциплина ____________Иностранный язык (английский)___________________
Москва 2009г.
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ составлены на основе рабочей программы дисциплины
______________________ _Иностранный язык_(английский) _____ ______________
(название дисциплины)
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ рассмотрены и утверждены на заседании кафедры
_________________________Иностранные языки ______________________
(название кафедры)
Протокол № 2 «15 »__сентября _2008г.
Зав кафедрой к.и.н., доц. Юрчикова Е.В.
Методические указания рекомендованы Научно-методической секцией общеуниверситетских кафедр
Протокол №_______ «_____»______________________200__г.
Научно-методической секции
общеуниверситетских кафедр д.и.н., проф. Багдасарян В. Э.
Методические указания по выполнению контрольных работ одобрены Научно — методическим советом ФГОУВПО «РГУТиС»
Протокол № ________ «____»_______________200_г.
Ученый секретарь
Научно-методического совета
К.и.н., доцент Юрчикова Е.В.
Методические указания разработали:
Преподаватели кафедры
«Иностранные языки» к.и.н., доцент Юрчикова Е.В.
ст.преп. Чудуйкина Г.М.
Цель данных методических указаний и контрольных работ – помочь студенту в самостоятельной работе над развитием практических навыков чтения и перевода общенаучной литературы и литературы по специальности широкого профиля.
В сборнике имеется серия грамматических и лексических упражнений, направленных на развитие устной и письменной речи. Студент выполняет один вариант контрольной работы в соответствии с последним шифром студенческого билета: студенты, шифр которых оканчивается на нечетное число, выполняют вариант №1, на четное – вариант №2.
Выполнять письменные контрольные работы следует в формате Word. На титульном листе укажите факультет, курс, номер группы, фамилию, имя и отчество, номер контрольной работы и варианта.
Контрольные задания следует выполнять c соблюдением полей, оставленных для замечаний, комментария и методических указаний преподавателя.
Строго соблюдайте последовательность выполнения задания.
Фрагменты текста, предназначенные для письменного перевода, разместите на левой стороне страницы, а на правой представьте его перевод на русском языке.
В конце работы поставьте свою личную подпись.
Контрольная работа №3
вариант №1
1. Insert a suitable form of the verb in brackets. Translate into Russian:
1. He often (to go) to the cinema.
2. Look at Tom. He (to ride) a bicycle.
3. The firm (to make) good profits this year.
4. They (to get) married a month ago.
5. When (you/ give) up smoking.
6. While he (to lie) in bed his firm (to pay) his wages every week.
7. He (to fly) to Rome at 5 o` clock tomorrow.
8. Hurry. The bus (to come).
9. Turn the TV off. The children (to watch) it for too long.
10. I (to help) you tomorrow.
2. Suggest a modal verb or a modal expression to complete the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1…. you have a visa to come here?
2. They…be arriving in a few hours.
3. You… never do that again.
4. I … see Jack at the party last night.
5. He … become my closest friend.
6. It was too expensive. I … not buy it.
7. He is very fit for his age. He … run really fast.
8. She …not find her keys last night.
9. …you find Jack last night?
10. You … borrow my umbrella without asking.
3. Read the sentences, translate them into Russian. Underline the non-finite forms of the verb. Define their form and function:
1. After getting to know him better I regretted having judged him unfairly.
2. He tried to speak German but found that he couldn’t.
3. His attempts at speaking Spanish were unsuccessful.
4. If I catch you cheating again I will make you stay after school.
5. I was made to get dressed.
6. I should prefer to go to the cinema rather than to stay at home.
7. I can’t bear the thought of your going home alone.
8. He tried cooking baking eggs and bacon together.
9. I would advise you to wait before deciding to accept his offer.
10. The fire needs making up.
4. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the verbs from brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. The dish would have been much more tasty if she( to be) a better cook.
2. If men ( to have) no weapons, would wars be possible?
3. If she (to read) fifty pages every day, her vocabulary will improve greatly.
4. If they ( to know) it better before, they would have taken messures.
5. If I (to get) this book, I will be happy.
6. If it (to rain) tomorrow, our game will be cancelled.
7. If a dog (to bite) her leg, she would go straight to the hospital.
8. If only I ( to have) more pocket money, I could buy some new English books.
9. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should certainly help her.
10. If it (to snow), the children would have played snowballs yesterday.
5. Read the text. Translate passages 3, 4 into Russian. Decide whether the statements below are true or false. Put “T” if the statement is true. Put “F” if the statement is false.
Three centers of power.
There are three centers of power in London. Buckingham Palace is the center of royal power. The Houses of Parliament are the center of political power. Westminster Abbey is the center of church power.
Buckingham Palace was built in 1703 by the Duke of Buckingham. King George the third bought the palace in 1761. It is known the official home of Queen Elizabeth II and the British Royal family. There are nearly six hundred rooms in the palace.
The two Houses of Parliament are in the Westminster Palace. It was built between 1840 and 1860. It was designed by architect Sir Charles Barry. The original Palace of Westminster was home for the Royal family until the 16th century. Then it became the meeting place of the Parliament.
Westminster Abbey was a Norman church. The present building was started in 1245 by King Henry III. Westminster Abbey is a very important church. Nearly all the English Kings and Queens since William I were crowned in Westminster Abbey. In 1953, Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in the Abbey.
1. Buckingham Palace was built by King George III
2. Buckingham Palace is the official home of Queen Elizabeth II
3. There are nearly eight hundred rooms in the Palace.
4. The two Houses of Parliament are in Buckingham Palace.
5. Sir Charles Barry designed and started to build the Houses of Parliament in 1840.
6. The Westminster Palace became the meeting place of the Parliament.
7. The Westminster Palace was the home of Royal Family.
8. The building of Westminster Abbey was started in 1345.
9. Westminster Abbey was an English Church.
10. Queen Elizabeth II was crowned in Westminster Abbey.
6. Read the text. Translate passages 1, 2 into Russian in writing. Answer the questions below in writing:
The Russian language is one of the Slavic (or Slavonic) languages of the Balto-Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family. The Slavic languages are spoken in Central and East Europe, the Balkans, and parts of North Asia. The Sub- brunch comprises the eastern group (Russian, Ukranian, and Bielorussian); the southern group (Slovene, Serbo-Croatian, Macedonian, and Bulgarian); the western group (Czech and Slovac, Sorbian in Germany, and Polish and its related dialects).
The most widely spoken language in the world is Chinese, having a few dialects. The standard form of the Chinese language is Mandarin. It used by 70% of the population and taught in schools. Historically it derives from the language spoken by mandarins, Chinese imperial officials, from the 7th century onwards. One of the main dialects of the Chinese language is Cantonese. When spoken Mandarin and dialects are mutually unintelligible and could almost be regarded as separate languages.
The Indo- European family of languages, of which English is a member, is descended from a prehistoric language, Proto-Indo-European, spoken in a region that has not yet been identified, possibly in the 5th millennium B.C.
1. What group of languages did the Russian language appear?
2. Where are the Slavic language spoken?
3. What language is the mostly widely spoken in the world?
4. Has Chinese got one or several dialects?
5. Mandarin is the standard form of the Chinese language, isn’ it?
6. When did the Chinese language appear?
7. What is the main dialect of the Chinese language?
8. Do you think that Chinese is the most difficult to study?
9. What languages are in Indo-European family?
10. English is a member of one of the oldest families of all languages, isn’it?
Контрольная работа №3
вариант №2
1. Insert a suitable form of the verb in brackets. Translate into Russian:
1. When morning came the storm, already (to stop).
2. Yesterday by eight o’clock he (to finish) all his homework.
3. Everybody (to be) at the door of the museum, but my friend (not to come yet).
4. We (to drink) tea when the telephone (to ring).
5. Our train starts late in the evening, so if you (to come) at seven o’clock, we still (to pack) our luggage.
6. Yesterday I (to buy) a new pair of gloves.
7. What you (to read)? I (to read) a magazine.
8. How long you (to wait) for me?
9. He (to leave) for Rostov in 1990 and since then he (to live) there.
10. Don’t enter the bedroom. The child (to sleep) there.
2. Suggest a modal verb or a modal expression to complete the sentences. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. He …sold the piano.
2. …I return the book to you on Friday?
3. It’s already six o’clock. We … hurry.
4. She … decorate the room nicely.
5. You … take the medicine three times a day.
6. You … just relax for a few minutes.
7. You … stop smoking.
8. We … at the airport at seven.
9. I … to go to the dentist. I’ve got a terrible toothache.
10. You … prepare for your exams better.
3. Read the sentences, translate them into Russian. Underline the non-finite forms of the verb. Define their form and function:
1. The driving wheel of the machine is broken.
2. Driving in a motor car, we passed many villages.
3. Having been knocked by a passing car, the poor man was taken to the hospital.
4. Asking him for help is useful.
5. There are many discoveries being made all over the world.
6. The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece.
7. Tom lived there like a paying guest.
8. We sat by the river listening to the running water.
9. Instead of going home after school, the girls went for a walk.
10. Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard.
4. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of the verbs from brackets. Translate the sentences into Russian:
1. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (to increase) greatly.
2. If she (to ask) me yesterday, I should certainly have told her about it.
3. If he had known it was going to rain, he (to take) his umbrella.
4. If she (to smell) smoke in the middle of the night, she would telephone the fire brigade.
5. If my Mom (to win) a million pounds, she would spend it as fast as possible.
6. You would not feel so bad if you ( not to smoke) so much.
7. If Bob (to get) up at half past eight, he would have been late for his job.
8. If I (to have) time, I’ll visit you.
9. If I don’t manage to finish my report today, I (to stay) at home tomorrow.
10. I should be very glad, if he (to come) to my place.
5. Read the text. Translate passages 3, 4 into Russian. Decide whether the statements below are true or false. Put “T” if the statement is true. Put “F” if the statement is false.
British and American houses.
Many families in Britain and America live in flats, but most people live in their own houses. They say: “There is no place like home.” or “My house is my castle”.
British homes are not large. Americans like to live in large houses. Most British and American houses are of two storeys. They are comfortable and well-planned.
Downstairs there is a dining-room, a sitting-room, a kitchen and a hall. Upstairs there are bedrooms, a nursery for the children and a bathroom. There are often two doors in the house: a front door and a back door. Britons traditionally have a fireplace in their houses. They like to sit by the fireplace in the cold winter evenings. In the American houses next to the kitchen is the laundry room. This is where Americans wash and dry clothes. They like to have a recreation room and a work-out room in the basement.
Britons and Americans like grass lawns at the back and in front of the houses. In front of the houses they like to grow flowers. At the side of the house is a garage, where they keep a car.
- Many British and American families live in flats.
- British homes are smaller than American.
- Their houses are not very comfortable.
- Their houses are usually three storeyed.
- There isn’t a kitchen downstairs.
- TheBritish usually have a fireplace in their houses.
- There is a fireplace in the American houses two.
- A laundry is a room where you can work at home.
- A basement is usually upstairs.
- Britons and Americans like grass lawns at the back and in front of the houses.
6. Read the text. Translate passages 2, 4 into Russian in writing. Answer the questions below in writing:
Famous English painters.
John Constable (1776-1837). So influenced was John Constable by his native Suffolk that the rural vistas of his boyhood became the theme of his paintings. “These scenes made me a painter, and I am grateful, “he once declared. He became the greatest exponent of the English Picturesque Style of painting.
Constable painted landscapes at a time when the function of artists was to represent man. He hoped to elevate the genre by replacing its conventions with what he himself called the ‘light-dews-breeze-bloom-and-freshness’ of nature. He saw himself as a ‘natural’ artist, but he is counted among the Romantics. His paintings exemplify the Romantic preference for colour to express nature’s changing moods, rather than the neoclassical ideal of purity of form and elegance of composition.
The somber moods that lowering storm clouds imposed on the landscape depressed him, and he preferred to paint nature in its more serene moments.
In many paintings Constable sought to capture in pigment scudding clouds and their shadows, and the transient reflections of light on water. His work anticipated Impressionism by more than 50 years.
- When was John Constable born?
- What became the theme of his paintings?
- Constable painted a man, didn’t he?
- How did he call his genre?
- Was he a natural artist or he is counted among the Romantics?
- Why do his paintings can be classified as the Romantics?
- What type of nature did he prefer to paint?
- Was the sky his usual topic?
- Do you know any other English painters?
- Who is your favourite painter and why?
наименование дисциплины
____ -й семестр
Студента(ки) заочной формы обучения__________________________________________
Ф.И.О., полностью
№ зачетной книжки _________________________ группа__________________________
Специальность _______________________________________________________________
код и наименование специальности
№ варианта_________________ Выполнила _________________________
подпись студента(ки)
Работа предъявлена на проверку «____»_________20__г.__________________________
подпись преподавателя
Результаты проверки__________________________________________________________
Замечания, рекомендации_____________________________________________________
Проверил преподаватель «___»__________20__г. ________________________________
Ф.И.О., подпись
Вторично предъявлена на проверку «___»__________20__г. ______________________
подпись преподавателя
Результаты проверки_________________________________________________________
Проверил преподаватель «___»________20__г. __________________________________
Ф.И.О., подпись
Работа принята (проведено собеседование) «___»_______20__г____________________
подпись преподавателя
На контрольную работу
Студента(ки) __________________________________
_________________ группы __________ ________ курса
Специальности ___________________________________
По дисциплине __________________________________
Тема: __________________________________________
1. Соответствие контрольной работы заявленной теме, заданию: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. Оценка качества выполнения контрольной работы:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Оценка полноты разработки поставленных вопросов: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Недостатки и замечания:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. Оценка контрольной работы: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Преподаватель: _________________/ ______________________