Лекция: A RESUME

A resume of your career, sometimes called a Curri­culum Vitae or CV, informs the employer about the experience and skills you have.

1 A good resume should:

2 Attract attention.

3 Create a positive im­pression.

Present your skills and qualities clearly and concisely.

The purpose of your re­sume is to tell the employer why you should be hired. A good resume is the first step to a job interview.

The resume may be pho­tocopied and sent off to ma­ny employers. You can change the sections of the content according to the different needs of the orga­nizations.

Resume writing tips


As you write your re­sume, keep in mind the following:

1 Use concise language.

2 Minimize or omit ev­erything that is irrelevant.

3 Place the most impor­tant information at the be­ginning of your resume.

4 There must be no grammatical errors in your resume.

5 Let an experienced person read your resume.

6 Print your resume on good paper.


An example:


1. Personal Details

Ann Jackson

52 Hanover Street

Edinburgh EH2 5LM


Phone — 01957487004

E-mail: annjackson@mid.net


2. Education

1981-1988 Broadfield School, Brighton.

A levels in German (A), English (B), History (B) and

Geography (C).

1988-1991 University of London.

BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies (Class II).

1991-1998 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Diploma in Public Relations.



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