Лекция: Lab work 11 Complex word stress
Exercise 1 Stress-carrying suffixes
When you hear the number, pronounce the word with stress on the suffix. You will then hear the correct pronunciation which you should repeat.
1. -ain: entertain «entq'teIn | 4. -ese: Portuguese „pLCq'gJz |
2. -ee: refugee “refjV'GJ | 5. -ette: cigarette „sIgq'ret |
3. -eer: mountaineer “maVntI'nIq | 6. -esque: picturesque „pIkCq'resk |
When you hear the stem word, say the word with the given suffix, putting the stress on that suffix. In these examples, a secondary stress comes on the penultimate syllable of the stem.
employ + -ee absent + -ee
engine + -eer profit + -eer
Sudan + -ese Pekin + -ese
usher + -ette statue + -ette
Exercise 2 Neutral suffixes
When you hear the stem word, add the suffix without changing the stress.
comfort + -able power + -less
anchor + -age hurried + -ly
refuse + -al punish + -ment
wide + -en yellow + -ness
wonder + -ful poison + -ous
amaze + -ing glory + -fy
devil + -ish other + -wise
bird + -like fun + -y
Exercise 3 Stress-moving suffixes
When you hear the stem word, say it with the suffix added and put the stress on the last syllable of the stem.
advantage + -eous injure + -ious
photo + -graphy tranquil + -ity
proverb + -ial reflex + -ive
climate + -ic embryo + -logy
Exercise 4 Compound words
When you hear the number, say the item.
a) First element adjectival, stress on second element.
1. loudspeaker 4. second-class
2. bad-tempered 5. three-wheeler
3. headquarters
b) First element nominal, stress on first element.
1. typewriter 4. suitcase
2. car-ferry 5. tea-cup
3. sunrise
c) Mixture of type (a) and (b).
1. long-suffering 4. red-blooded
2. gunman 5. gear-box
3. shoelace 6. overweight
Exercise 5 Word-class pairs
You will hear the number of the item and its word-class. Stress the second syllable if it is a verb; stress the first syllable if it is a noun or adjective.
1. abstract (adj) | 7. export (v) | 13. present (adj) |
2. conduct (v) | 8. import (n) | 14. produce (v) |
3. contract (n) | 9. insult (v) | 15. protest (n) |
4. contrast (v) | 10. object (n) | 16. rebel (v) |
5. desert (n) | 11. perfect (adj) | 17. record (n) |
6. escort (n) | 12. permit (v) | 18. subject (n) |