Лекция: Exercise 8. Read and translate the text.


Different Views

Land use planning in the technical cooperation is an iterative pro­cess based on the dialogue amongst all participants. It is aimed at the definition of decisions on a sustainable form of land use in rural areas and the initiation of the appropriate measures for implementation and monitoring.

Even fundamental concepts of land use planning are perceived differently within each project. Whereas some of them consider an approach which gives these directives on how land related subjects should be organized in a definite region, others will promote a process of or­ganization and learning.

The first model of land use planning follows the sense of a rational model of planning. It is assumed that the optimization of the set of planning tools in connection with rationalization of the planning or­ganization will result in the best possible solution to the problem to be solved. Any social conflicts are disregarded in this process (technical planning approach).

The objective of the latter concept is to create a social platform for solving problems and settling conflicts. Land use planning is thereby described as a political process in which the constellation of forces is crucial to the result. In this type of planning process the stockholders of different groups with different power potential and different influ­ence meet one another. In this process the mechanisms of conflict resolution and forming a consensus are the major political factors (par­ticipatory planning approach).

The dialogue-oriented learning and negotiation process amongst the participants leads to the development of their planning capacities and to sustaining cooperative relations at local level.

Participants in land use planning are direct and indirect land users, as well as those affected by the consequences of land use activities. Another group is formed by people who often have political or eco­nomic influence; this includes authorities, organizations, middlemen and women, processing industries for agricultural products, etc. How­ever, the most important target group in land use planning is made up of the direct land users.

Rural areas, in contrast to urban areas are characterized by agricul­tural and forestry production having relatively low population and building densities. Infrastructure, facilities or services have a relatively low importance.

Land use planning is a flexible and open reaction based on new find­ings and changing conditions. Land use planning is more than prepara­tion of a planning document; it is an iterative process. Iteration is both the principle and the method simultaneously. New developments and findings are specifically observed and incorporated into the planning process. It may lead to the revision of decision and the repetition of steps already taken. This can render superfluous both analyses and data Bases which would have been set up at some expense. Iterative planning requires flexibility in planning, but in no way constitutes a «concealed lack of planning».

«Iteration» means putting the result of the decision-making process into practice and converting it into a situation specific step-by-step planning. It is repeated or recurring process that seeks to reach an op­timal solution.



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