Лекция: Lab work 9 Weak syllables

Exercise 1 “Schwa” q

Listen and repeat:

Two-syllable words with weak first syllable and stress on the second syllable
about [q'baVt] ahead [q'hed] again [q'gen]
obtuse [q'btjHs] oppose [q'pqVz] offend [q'fend]
suppose [sq'pqVz] support [sq'pLt] suggest [sq'Gest]
forget [fq'get] forsake [fq'seIk] forbid [fq'bId]
perhaps [pq'hxps] percent [pq'sent] perceive [pq'sJv]
survive [sq'vaIv] surprise [sq'praIz] survey (v) [sq'veI]


Two-syllable words with weak second syllable and stress on the first syllable
ballad ['bxlqd] Alan ['xlqn] necklace ['neklqs]
melon ['melqn] paddock ['pxdqk] purpose ['pE:pqs]
hundred ['hAndrqd] sullen ['sAlqn] open ['qVpqn]
circus ['sE:kqs] autumn ['Ltqm] album ['xlbqm]
tankard ['txNkqd] custard ['kAstqd] standard ['stxndqd]
juror ['GVqrq] major ['meIGq] manor ['mxnq]
longer ['lPNgq] eastern ['Jstqn] mother ['mADq]
nature ['neICq] posture ['pPsCq] creature ['krJCq]
ferrous ['ferqs] vicious ['vISqs] gracious ['greISqs]
thorough ['TArq] borough ['bArq]  
saviour ['seIvjq] succour ['sAkq] colour ['kAlq]


Three-syllable words with weak second syllable and stress on the first syllable
workaday ['wE:kqdeI] roundabout ['raVndqbaVt]
customer ['kAstqmq] pantomime ['pxntqmaIm]
perjury ['pE:GqrI] venturer ['venCqrq]
standardise ['stxndqdaIz] jeopardy ['GepqdI]
wonderland ['wAndqlxnd] yesterday ['jestqdeI]


Exercise 2 Close front vowels

Listen and repeat:

Weak initial syllables Weak final syllables
excite [Ik'saIt] resume [rI'zjHm] city ['sItI] many ['menI]
exist [Ig'zIst] relate [rI'leIt] funny ['fAnI] lazy ['leIzI]
inane [I'neIn] effect [I'fekt] easy ['JzI] only ['qVnlI]
device [dI'vaIs] ellipse [I'lIps] busy ['bIzI] lady ['leIdI]


Exercise 3 Syllabic [l]

Listen and repeat:

bottle ['bPtl] bottled ['bPtld] bottling ['bPtlIN]
muddle ['mAdl] muddled ['mAdld] muddling ['mAdlIN]
tunnel ['tAnl] tunnelled ['tAnld] tunnelling ['tAnlIN]
wrestle ['resl] wrestled ['resld] wrestling ['reslIN]


Exercise 4 Syllabic [n]

Listen and repeat:

burden ['bE:dn] burdened ['bE:dnd] burdening ['bE:dnIN]
frighten ['fraItn] frightened ['fraItnd] frightening ['fraItnIN]
listen ['lIsn] listened ['lIsnd] listening ['lIsnIN]


Exercise 5 Transcription

Transcribe the following words, giving particular attention to the weak syllables. Each word will be said twice (1…10).


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