Лекция: Lab work 15 Tones
Exercise 1 Repetition of tones
Listen and repeat:
Fall: | yes | no | well | four |
Rise: | yes | no | well | four |
Fall-rise: | yes | no | well | four |
Rise-fall: | yes | no | well | four |
Level: | _yes | _no | _well | _four |
Exercise 2 Production of tones
When you hear the number, say the syllable with the tone indicated:
1. them | 5. what | 9. now |
2. why | 6. no | 10. end |
3. well | 7. here | |
4. John | 8. you |
Exercise 3 Identification
You will hear each syllable twice. Write an appropriate tone symbol (1…10).
Exercise 4 Production in context
When you hear the sentence, say the response with the tone indicated.
Hello, is that 661071? | yes |
Do you know any scientists? | some |
Keep away from the road! | why |
How many dogs have you got? | two |
Have you ever heard such a terrible thing? | no |
What colour is your car? | red |
Do you want my plate? | please |
Don’t you like it? | yes |
You haven’t seen my watch, have you? | no |
What was the weather like? | wet |
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