as stated above…   как указывалось выше
in view of the above ../   ввиду вышеизложенного
we are pleased to offer you as follows:…   имеем удовольствие предло жить вам следующее…




1. a) Say from what verbs these nouns are;

production, exhibition, operation, quotation, information, accommo­dation, addition, department, advertisement, appointment, arrangement, equipment, requirement, shipment

b) Give the nouns corresponding to these verbs:

to reply, to purchase, to request, to visit, to dance, to stage, to wonder, to wish

I. What are the English equivalents for (see the text):

1. Последняя модель режущего станка, изготовленная фирмой >шт и Ко.,… 2. Машина надежна в эксплуатации. 3. Мы будем очень признательны вам, если вы вышлете нам предложение… 4. Господин Соколов приедет в Лондон на промышленную выставку в следующем месяце… 5. Он свяжется с вашей фирмой… б. На­деемся получить от вас ответ в ближайшем будущем. 7. Модель ДН-бб — это как раз то, что нам нужно. 8. Очень рад слышать это. 9. Цены на этот вид оборудования повышаются (растут).

Ш. Paraphrase or explain (see the text):

a) paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type:

1. The advertised machine-tools were superior to those offered by other firms. 2. They immediately sent the following enquiry to Smith & Co. 3. We also request you to send us specifications and all other publications. 4. Mr. Sokolov is visiting the London Industrial exhibition next month. 5. He will get in touch with your firm. 6. We are looking forward to your early reply. 7. We've carefully studied all the technical data we got from you. 8. We could grant you a discount.

b) explain the meaning of the words and word combinations given in bold type:

· We also request you to send us all your publications.

· We're in close touch with the world market.

IV. Add tail-questions to these sentences and answer them:

1. You've read the advertisement in the latest issue of the journal.

2. The delivered goods were of inferior quality. 3. We cannot agree to the
terms of payment stated in their offer. 4. The machine-tool is reliable in
operation. 5. The specification wasn't enclosed with their order. 6. They
will grant us a discount if we increase the order. 7. The delivery dates were
changed at their request. 8. He's got in touch with Mr. Camp.

Fill in prepositions and adverbs:

1. We request you to get… touch… Mr. Smith concerning the Purchase… the above machine-tools. 2. The second lot… the goods

received… us yesterday is… inferior quality. 3. The quality… the wheat (пшеница) shipped… Contract No. 21/182 is inferior… that… the samples… the basis… which the contract was concluded. 4. We are interested… machine-tool L-5 as machine-tools… this type are reliable… operation. 5. Prices… chemical equipment are going… as it is… demand… the world market. 6. We shall be able to get the necessary in­formation concerning the latest model… this machine-tool as we are… close touch… the firm who are producing it. 7. We cannot agree… your price as the world prices… this type of equipment are going… 8.1 am sorry but I cannot agree… your point of view (точка зрения) on this problem. 9.… view… the above we shall not be able to grant your request. 10.… our request the firm remedied the defects… the machine tools delivered… Contract No. 15/193.

VI. Fill in articles or possessive pronouns where necessary:

1. We find… quality of… delivered goods inferior to that of… samples on… basis of which… contract was concluded. 2. We have just received… latest issue of… • journal «Chemical Engineering». There are… few interesting articles in it. 3. We have sent… specifications and publications required by you by… mail. 4. We are sending… latest catalogues and price-lists to Brown & Co. at… request.

Dear Sirs,

We are interested in… Turbines (турбины) advertised by you in… «Industry» of… 1st April. We shall be obliged if you will send us all… information concerning… above model. We also request you to quote… lowest price,.… most favourable terms of… payment and to state… shortest possible time of… delivery. We wish to know as well if you grant… discount to… buyers who purchase more than 3 Turbines.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for… enquiry of… 23rd March for… Turbines
Model AB-66. We are enclosing our catalogue which gives all particulars
concerning… model required by you.… price of… Turbine is… c.i.f.
Manchester. Payment is to be made by… Letter of Credit which you are
to open with… Bank for Foreign Trade. We can ship. •.

Turbines from Murmansk in May-April this year. We are prepared to grant you… four per cent, discount if you order more than three Turbines. All… other terms are stated on… enclosed form of… contract.

VII. Say in what situations these words and word combinations are used in the text:

excellent, superior, state, request, consider, go up, in close touch, grant a discount, as to.

Paraphrase the words and word combinations given in bold type; use [the active vo­cabulary: 1. Our equipment is of high quality. 2. The quality of this boiler is

higher than that of the previous model. 3. We shall be very much obliged

if you will contact the firm. 4. I'm afraid we cannot accept your price. 5. The world prices for these goods are increasing. 6. I'm sorry we can't give you a twenty per cent discount. 7. We ask you to send us samples of oil (нефть) as soon as possible as we are interested in buying it. 8. As regards the Letter of Credit it will be opened next week.

IX. Complete these sentences:

1. We shall be obliged if… 2. You'll be satisfied with the quality of the machine as… 3. The machine advertised in the journal «Electric Motor» has… 4. In view of the above we cannot… 5. Please get in touch with the firm and find out… .7. We request you to send us… 8. The firm stated in their letter that… 9. As stated above we can't agree to your terms… 10. Our representative is leaving Moscow this week… 11. If you consider the high quality ...

X. Make up sentences according to these models, use the verbs given in brackets:

· They have already examined the samples sent by the firm, (to adver­tise, to state, to request, to require, to purchase)

· All the points discussed during the talks have been settled, (to con­sider* to grant, to quote, to enclose, to conclude)

XI. Translate these sentences paying attention to the words and word combinations given in
bold type:

1. «Что вы сейчас делаете?» — «Я просматриваю спецификации, полученные со вчерашней почтой». 2. В настоящее время цены на мировом рынке на этот тип станков падают, так как они не пользу­ются большим спросом. 3. К сожалению, мы должны заявить, что качество поставленного вами товара ниже качества образца, на основании которого был заключен контракт. 4. Мы будем призна­тельны, если Вы сообщите нам название и адрес организации, являющейся экспортером товара, который нас интересует. 5. Цены на товар, предложенный фирмой, выше цен, указанных другими фирмами, б. Вы будете удовлетворены качеством наших машин, так как они имеют отличные рабочие характеристики и надежные эксплуатации. 7. Я не могу согласиться с Вами, что цены на этот тип оборудования будут расти. 8. Мы заинтересованы в за­купке оборудования высшего качества. 9. Я хотел бы, чтобы вы связались с этой фирмой сами и выяснили, когда их представитель приез­жает в Москву. 10. В вышеупомянутом письме Вы указали, что постараетесь сделать все возможное, чтобы доставить машины, заказанные нами по контракту от 25 января 20 ..., без задержки. По просьбе господина Брауна мы встречаемся завтра в пять часов дня.


Мы внимательно рассмотрели Ваше предложение и хотели бы сообщить Вам следующее: Нас удовлетворяют технические данные

и рабочие характеристики предложенных Вами станков, но мы не

можем принять указанную Вами цену, так как она гораздо выше цен Ваших конкурентов. Мы могли бы разместить у Вас заказ, если Вы согласитесь снизить Вашу цену на 10%.

Надеемся получить Ваш ответ в ближайшем будущем.

XII. Make up sentences using these words and word combinations:

to be obliged, to grant a request, to be in close touch with, to be superior to, to go down, to grant a discount, as stated above, to get in touch with, as follows, in view of the above.



ХШ. Retell the text.

XIV. Reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech.

XV. Turn these indirect questions into direct ones, answer them and sum up the answers:

· Ask A.: 1) the purchase of what machines his company is interested in; 2) if they have received any tenders for the machines of this type; 3) if the working characteristics of the offered machines meet their requirements; 4) what firm they are going to place their order with.

· Ask B: 1) what goods they are exporting; 2) if the goods sold by them are of superior quality; 3) if they are in close touch with the market; 4) if the market situation is favourable for their goods. Why?

· Ask C.: 1) if goods of inferior quality have ever been deliv­ered to their customers; 2) if buyers ever agree to accept goods of inferior quality; 3) on what condition they agree to accept them.

XVI. Say whether you agree or disagree with these statements. Give your reasons:

1. If you see a machine-tool in operation no specification is required.

2. You quote the most favourable terms of payment only to your regular
buyers. 3. You do not study any instructions before you put the equipment
bought by you into operation. 4. It is easier to sell goods than to buy them.
5. If the goods are in great demand on the world market prices for them
go up.

XVII. Give extensive answers to these questions:

1. What information caa buyers find in advertisements? 2. In what case will you ask the firm to show you their machine-tools in operation?

3. What is a tender? What is usually stated in it? 4. In what case can prices
of goods go up? 5. Why is it necessary for our companies to be in close
touch with the world market?

XVUI. In what circumstances you would say:

1. What can I do for you? 2. See you soon! 3. Meet my friend, Mr. Bobrov. 4. Have a good time! 5. Not at all. 6. That suits me very well.

7. That's all right. 8. It was a real pleasure for me to do it. 9. Don't mention it. 10. It doesn't matter. 11. The pleasure is mine. 12. Would you mind re­peating it? 13. It's quite all right.

XIX. Read and discuss these letters:

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for your letter of the 6th January and are pleased to in­form you that we are interested in the purchase of Chipboard that you offer. As this is our first transaction please,, send us a small sample so that we may see the quality, and if it meets our requirements we shall send you our enquiry. We find your price somewhat higher than that of your competitors. If you could reduce it-we would be very much obliged to you. As the above Chipboard is required by us as soon as possible we should also like to know when you could deliver it. We are looking forward to your early reply.

Dear Sirs,

We thank you for yourletterand are pleased to give you all the partic­ulars concerning the purchase of Chipboard from us. We are sending our samples by separate mail and hope their quality will meet your requirements. As to the price we cannot agree with you that it is high. We ask you to con­sider the fact that prices for these goods are going up on the world market. Our Chipboard :s also of superior quality. However as we hope to establish close business relations with you we could grant you a 5 per cent discount. The Chipboard can be delivered in May. All other terms are stated in our General Terms and Conditions. We hope that you will agree to them and send us your enquiry.

XX. Read and reproduce the dialogue: a) as it is, b) in indirect speech:

A. I'm sorry to say I've got some bad news for you.

B. What is it? Anything wrong with the machines?

A. Yes, you're right. The point is we are not satisfied with the result of the
test made at our. factory. -

B. May I see the Test Report?

A. Here it is. You ~ee the working characteristics are not so good as we
expected. The capacity is somewhat lower than that stated in the specif­

B. I'm surprised to hear it. As you remember the preliminary tests at our
factory showed excellent results. Are you quite sure that the tests at
your factory were made in accordance with our instructions?

A. I think so, though I didn't take part in them myself.

B. Let's make another test in the presence of both your and our inspectors.
A. All right. When could it be arranged? I'd like it to be done as soon as

possible. -B- We'll try and do our best to make the necessary arrangements this week. A. Fine.

wrong—неверный, неправильный; capacity—мощность; to be sure—быть уверен­ным; in the presence of—в присутствии

XXI. Render tills letter in English and discuss it. Pay attention to the words and word
combinations given in bold type:

Уважаемые господа!

Мы внимательно рассмотрели Вашу просьбу о снижении нашей цены на 10%, но, к сожалению, мы не можем этого сделать. Как вы знаете, наши станки пользуются большим спросом на мировом рынке, так как они отвечают самым высоким мировым стандартам, имеют отличные рабочие показатели и надежны в эксплуатации! Кроме того, Вы, конечно, связаны с рынком и заметили, что цены на наши машины несколько возросли за последние три месяца. Что касается Вашей ссылки на цену наших конкурентов, то мы согласны, что она несколько ниже нашей, но Вы должны принять во внимание, что качество материала из которого сделаны их стан­ки, значительно ниже качества материала наших станков. Ввиду вышеизложенного мы не можем согласиться, что наши цены не­обоснованно высоки. Однако, если Вы пожелаете увеличить свой заказ до 15 машин, мы могли бы предоставить Вам 5% скидку. Надеемся получить Ваш ответ в ближайшем будущем.

С уважением»

сделать из чего-л. — to be made of; ссылка на что-л. — reference to

XXII. Finish these situations:

1. In the latest issue of the «Engineering» you read an advertisement about the latest model of the machine-tool you are interested in. The above advertisement said… 2. The latest model of Compressor was advertised in a German journal. As Messrs. Brown and Co. were interested in buying compressors of this type… 3. Mr. Smith has come to Moscow to discuss the price for compressors offered by Sojuzexport. As these compressors are in great demand on the world markets ..

XXIII. Make up situations or dialogues using these words and word combinations:

1. Impressions of a new model

to be satisfied with, excellent, working characteristics, reliable, to be of superior quality, to be favourably impressed, in operation, to be up to standard, to be in demand

2. The discussion of the price

to be interested, purchase, to quote high prices, to state, to go up, to be in close touch, to reduce, to be regular buyers, to agree, request, to increase the order

3. Granting a discount

to examine, to state, to find defects, inferior to the sample, to return, to reduce the price by 20%, to agree to, to accept

XXIV. Make up dialogues based on the following assignments:

1. You have read an advertisement concerning the goods you are in­terested in. Get in touch with the firm and ask them about all the particulars. 2. Ask the firm to make you an offer for the equipment you are interested in. 3. Discuss with the firm the quality of the samples as you are going to place an order on some of them.

XXV. Compose letters according to these assignments, use the patterns given in brackets.

· Write a letter to the sellers and state that you have read their adver­tisement of the new model and you have got interested in it. You would like them to send you all particulars concerning the delivery dates and the discount, (the advertisement said, we shall be obliged if you will ..., as stated above, to be prepared, we are pleased to learn, to look forward to, reply)

· Compose a letter to your regular Buyers and inform them that you have started producing a new model of ..., give its characteristics, (to wish to inform, to be pleased to offer as follows, we shall be glad if you will ..., yours faithfully)

XXVI. Read and retell these stories. Answer the questions given below.


A rich businessman was dying. He asked all his family to leave him alone with his partner who had been in the same business with him for years. The rich man considered him a reliable partner and an excellent man. The dying man wanted to tell him something important and he did not want anybody to hear their conversation. «George,» the man said when they were left alone. «I'm dying… I must tell you. Listen, please. I've always been bad to you. When you were away on business two years ago, I took a big sum of money from the safe and never put it back. I've always tried not to let you be a success in business. I've greatly disliked you all my life. You, certainly, remember that plan of yours. I did my best to fail it. You thought that the changes in business had caused its failure, but it wasn't so. The real reason was quite different. I had sold your secret to another company for a hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Oh, George, forgive me, please.» «Don't worry, Jim,» said George, «That's all right. I've also got to tell you some­thing. I was not so reliable as you thought I was. It was I who put poison into your soup at dinner yesterday.»

to die — умирать; to fail — проваливать; failure ['feilpj — неудача, провал; to forgive (forgave, forgiven) — простить; poison — яд; sum — сумма


1. Can you call the partners «friends»? Why not? 2. Why did they dis­like each other? 3. Why couldn't they become close friends?


Joe and Delia both loved art. Joe came to New York to study paint­ing. Delia left the little town she was born in for New York to study music. Joe and Delia met at the friend's studio. In the evening the studio was always crowded with young artists who were fond of talking about painting, theatre and music. Delia attracted Joe's attention the moment he saw her. They often met at the studio and soon got to know each other well. A year later they were married. They were very happy, they had their art and they had each other. But one day they found that they had no money. Delia said she had to give music lessons and she started looking for pupils. A few days later she came home very pleased with herself. «Joe, dear,» she said. «I have found a pupil. She is the only daughter of a famous architect. I'm to give her three lessons a week. The family is rich, they'll pay me five dollars a lesson!» However Joe was not happy about that. He did not want his wife to work, he wanted her to study and be a famous pianist.

A week later Delia brought home fifteen dollars. To her surprise Joe put four five dollar bills on the table too. «I've sold one of my paintings to a gentleman from the country,» he said, «and he asked me to paint another picture for him.»

Every morning Joe went to Central Park to paint his pictures and came back only in the evening. One Saturday evening Joe came home before Delia. Delia was late. When she appeared her right hand was bandaged and she looked very tired. «What's the matter?» — asked Joe. «The architects's daughter invited me to dinner after her lesson and she spilled some hot sauce on my hand. She was very sorry about that. Oh, Joe, did you sell another picture?» she asked when she saw the money on the table. «I did. And I'm going to sell some more next week,» Joe added. «At what time did you burn your hand, Delia?» «About five. The iron… I mean the sauce was ready about five. Why ?» «Darling,» Joe took her hands in his, «where are you work­ing? Tell me!» And she told him the truth.

Delia could not find any pupils and as she very much wanted Joe to study painting she had to work in a laundry. Delia pressed shirts there. «How did you know I wasn't giving music lessons?» she asked. «I sent up these bandages this afternoon for a girl who had burnt her hand with an iron. I'm working in the machine room of the same laundry.»

(After O. Henry)

pianist ['pjaenist] — пианист; to bandage ['baendidsl — перевязывать; bandages — бинты; to spill — проливать; sause [sas] — coyc; to burn (burnt, burnt) — обжигать; iron [aisn] — утюг; I mean [mm] — я хочу сказать; darling—дорогая; to tell the truth [tnr.6] — сказать правду; laundry ['bsidri] — прачечная


1. Why did Delia start looking for a job? 2. Why was it difficult for Joe to sell his pictures and for Delia to find pupils? 3. Why did Joe not tell her the truth about his work in a laundry? 4. What do you think of their love for each other? 5. Do you think their life will change in future?

V. Ask and answer questions using the given model, use the verbs given below:

Model: Are they travelling in the Caucasus now? How long have they been travelling there? Нате they travelled a lot? When did they travel there? Were they travelling in the Caucasus when you met them? How long had they been travelling there before you met them? Had they travelled in the Crimea before they came to the Caucasus? Do they travel much? Are they travel­ling next summer?

(to paint, to consider, to dance, to hold a meeting, to play, to improve)

VI. Translate these sentences into English: ~

1. Все утро идет дождь. Боюсь, что мы не сможем поехать за го­род. 2. Последние три месяца цены на эти станки растут. 3. Уже несколько дней мы думаем (планируем) о том, как провести отпуск. 4. Зрители аплодировали до тех пор, пока ведущий актер не поя­вился на сцене. 5. Мы изучали предложение фирмы Смит и Ко. на станки несколько дней, прежде чем решили принять его. 6. Я по­лагаю, он может перевести эти спецификации. Он уже три года изучает французский язык.







Before taking up the text read these words and word combinations:

· de'parture, de'lighted, a'fford, 'unemployed, dis'cover, 'otherwise, 'nowadays, 'social 'bureau, ounce, 'postage, weigh, 'urgent, ,alto'gether

· for America, or eight years ago, after all these years .here on the plat-

form, never act, an hour on Tuesdays, here is my passport, at the next window, said the attendant, that these letters, to pass the time, he was then.

c) Euston, Hubert Le Ros, Max Beerbohm





On a cold November morning I duly turned up at Euston to see off an old friend of mine who was starting for America. I saw some of our common friends who had also come to say «good-bye» to him.

Stiff and ill at ease we stood near the carriage* looking at the face of our friend.

* Stiff and ill at ease we stood near the carriage. — Мы стояли около вагона и чувст­вовали себя скованно и неловко.

«Have you got everything?» asked one of us, breaking the silence.

«Yes, everything,» said our friend with a smile.

There was a long silence. One of us with a smile at the traveller said:


The traveller returned the smile.

The silence was broken again by one of us with a fit of coughing. It seemed to me he did it intentionally but it helped to pass the time. There was no sign of the train's departure.

A middle-aged man who was talking to a young lady at the next window attracted my attention. His face seemed familiar to me. The young lady was evidently American, and he was evidently English, otherwise I could have taken him for her father.

Suddenly I remembered. The man was Rubert Le Ros, an actor. But how he had changed since I saw him last. That was seven or eight years ago. He was then unemployed and borrowed half-a-crown from me. It seemed a privilege to lend him anything. He was always magnetic.

It was strange to see him, after all these years here on the platform of Euston, looking so smart. I should be proud if I were seen off by him.

«Stand back, please,» said the attendant. The train was about to start and we said «good-bye» to our friend. Le Ros did not stand back. He had the hands of the young American in his. «Stand back, sir, please!»

He stood back but then quickly came up to the window to say some final word. I think there were tears in her eyes. There certainly were in his when he turned round.

I came up to him. He looked delighted to see me. We walked slowly along the platform. I told him how much he was missed on the stage.

«Ah, yes,» he said, «I never act on the stage nowadays.» I asked him then where he did act.*

«On the platform,» he said, striking the platform with his stick. «I sup­pose,» he said, giving me a light for the cigar which he had offered me, «You have been seeing a friend off.» He asked me what I supposed he had been doing. I said that I had watched him doing the same thing.

«No,» he said. «That lady was not a friend of mine. I met her for the first time this morning, less than half an hour ago here.»

I should never have believed it if he had not told me about it. When I said that he smiled.

«Have you heard of the Anglo-American Social Bureau?» I had not. He explained to me that of the thousands of Americans who pass through England there are hundreds who have no English friends.1 In the old days they used to bring letters of introduction.2 But the English are so inhospitable that these letters are hardly worth the paper they are written on. «The Anglo-American Social Bureau» supplies Americans with English friends. Fifty per cent is paid over to «the friends». The other fifty goes to the A.A.S.B.

«I'm sorry I'm not a director. If I were I should be a very rich man. I am only one of the seers-off. But even so I do very well,» Le Ros added. «What do you mean by 'a seer-ofT?» I asked.

* I asked him where he did act. — Я спросил его, где же он все-таки играет.

«You see it's rather expensive to pay 'the friends' of the Bureau. Many Americans cannot afford it. But they can all afford to be seen off. The pay is only five pounds for a single traveller, and eight pounds for a party of two or more. So they send money to the A.A.S.B. and then — well, then they are seen off.»

«But is it worth it?» I asked.

«Of course, it is worth it,» said Le Ros. «Their fellow-passengers believe they have English friends and become friendly to them. The attendant is very attentive to them too. Besides, it is a great pleasure to be seen off. You saw me seeing that young lady off. Didn't you think I did it beautifully?»

«Yes, beautifully,» I said, «And there was I ...»

«Yes, I can imagine. You stood looking at your friend, trying to make conversation. I know. That's how I used to be myself before I studied how to do it. It's not an easy job. If I had not studied I should not have been able to do it the way I did it. A railway-station is the most difficult of all places to act, as you discovered for yourself.»

«So you've been taught to have those tears in your eyes,» I said in great surprise.

«Yes, and I can teach you too. I have a lot of students already. I could give you an hour on Tuesdays and Fridays,» he said consulting his black note-book.

(After «Seeing People Off» by Max Beerbohm)



Mr. Brown: Here is my passport. Are there any letters for me?

Clerk: There are two, one is registered. Sign your name here, please.

Here are the letters.
Mr. Brown: Thanks. And where can I get envelopes and stamps?,
Clerk: Next window, please.

Mr. Brown: (at another window) What is the postage for a letter to Dublin?
Clerk: Ten pence if it doesn't weigh over four ounces.

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